WIN! A Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU worth £139.99!

1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU?

Because I don't think I've got a chance of the 7970 competition :(

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU so good for Overclocking?

Excellent question...Oh you want an answer.... 42 :D
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1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU?
Tidy up the insides of my case so that i dont have any more power cables than needed.

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU so good for Overclocking?
Good quality components at the heart of the psu, and a warranty to back up in Corsairs believe in their product.
1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU?

Because SLI is calling :) a bit more headroom would be lovely!

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU so good for Overclocking?

Industrial grade components. Yes.
Reliable and solid under load. Yes.
That will do me for overclocking :)
1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU?

Too be part of a new system. My 620 has been going strong for years and it's the only make I'd buy now.

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU so good for Overclocking?

Efficiency, Product build quality and reliabilty.
1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU?

Well it's free for a start!, having said that, I would like to win this for my Kids computer, Please - think of the children! their poor little faces will be
delighted and they will forget they have holes in their shoes and trousers too small!.

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU so good for Overclocking?

This power supply unit is good for overclocking because it's made from the finest parts sourced from the 4 corners of the earth by the one and only corsair umpa lumpa's,
and they are made with such finesse and harmony. At the end of the day, Friends let friends buy corsair!
1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU?

I plan to build a new rig after Christmas, this PSU will be perfect for the rig :)

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU so good for Overclocking?

Corsair are very reliable, I have always used Corsair as my power supply.
1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU?

Good ****!

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU so good for Overclocking?

1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU?


2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU so good for Overclocking?

Oh, Wibble wibble.
1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU?

Because it would be the perfect way to kick start my new SLI gaming rig.

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU so good for Overclocking?

Although 850w is arguably overkill for an ivy bridge SLI build, you would be safe in the knowledge that your high grade components were reliably and efficiently fueled by one of Corsair's PSUs- legendary for their build quality. The fanless operation feature at low power usage gives every gaming PC enthusiasts holy grail - power with no noise. Although the PSU admittedly would emit some noise under full load, the 850w capacity allows for plenty of fans to help keep our rig as cool and as quiet as possible. The cable management options are a dream.
1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU?

Don't have a modular supply and have cable hanging everywhere :(

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU so good for Overclocking?

They don't blow up and take everything with it.
1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W PSU?

Because one winner will be randomly selected and will be notified publicly via this thread after the closing date.

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W PSU so good for Overclocking?

Because it can easily chuck out 1000watts never mind 850
1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W PSU?

Because it's a great bit of kit that is even better when it's free :D

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W PSU so good for Overclocking?

Because it has plenty of power!!!
1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W PSU?

Because 850W > 750W!

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W PSU so good for Overclocking?

Because they source components from the very best OEMs to ensure that when you buy Corsair you know you are getting quality and reliability.
1. Why do you want to win a Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU?

I would like to win this because, I love Corsair products, have a M90 Mouse and it's fab along with a lovely little frash drive in a few days which I will be ordering due to college work :D, I would say one of the best products I've ever owned. So a power supply that will never die, blow up, fuse.. What's not more to love. Corsair's is a brand which is recognized for it's standards and if you don't win this and end up thinking about this product then you wont be let down as everything that Corsair backs is always 100% and superiour to other products in the same market. Also I have a 650w ocz psu at the moment and I would need a newer one when I want to go bigger and beyond with my build and the PSU I have at the moment is noisy-ish so a nice silent fan wouldn't go a miss and you could expect a decent review on it :)

2. Why is the Corsair Professional Series HX+ 850W '80+ Gold' Modular PSU so good for Overclocking?

The Corsair Professional Series HX+850W is made by Corsairs obviously, it has a constant output and it's made by the best materials that you can make it with + it has black cables, who doesn't love black cables?? The low-power mode would also be excellent in my opionin as when I'm not slaying people left right and center online I do have to take occasional breaks and having your system on stand-by making no noise from the Power Supply would be excellent! The multiple GPU aspect of this is also another great feature for people who are going to make budget builds and in time going to increase their builds as you don't need to buy a new power supply if you bought this amazing peice of kit, as after all, the power supply is one of the most important parts of any build and having a realible and stable PSU will make your life so much better in the shrot and long run.
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Finger, toes, arms, legs, eyes all crossed!

5UB, I would like to thank you for the chance at winning. ;)

Even though I probably won't :D
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