Congrats Phot3k, nice card and your new system is going to rock!
Well done to OCUK also, great competition and keep em coming :)
Ok when's the Corsair 900D comp :D
I think it is safe to say Phot3k has a bit of work to do... :p

Indeed I do, worried about my precious Define R4 thou, really want to use it along with the H100i and obviously the Ares II. A red with black/white colour scheme would look gorgeous in my opinion. Going to need a new (expensive) PSU and other gear to compliment it, but do look forward to the adventure.

Was wondering does the Ares II come with one of the AMD game bundles, is the card new or a review card? Very much appreciated either way, can't wait for my jaw to hit the floor when I get it! :D
Unsurprising, 8 Pack looks like he could stop the juggernaut :P

He's not so big :rolleyes:

The fella that looks like Dara o'briain's big angry brother on the other hand....he looks like he wrestles bears, then wears their fur for phun.

P.s, congratz u jammy %*&%*$ !$£&$%*$%*%^. I officially hate ya:D

(woulda gone nice in my new build as well. Elysium with spec below and 2 mahoooosive 360 SR-1's)
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