** WIN AMDs latest APU, the A10 5800K along with the Gigabyte F2A85X-UP4 and Zalman CNPS14X Cooler!!

Will the winner and runner up be randomly picked using a number generator or some other method :p or will it be based on the reply that you guys at OCUKs think is the best answer?

The best answer hence the "take your time, you only get one entry so you cant edit" bit :p

Any Edits will be void from the comp, saves people reading answers and getting ideas ;)
The best answer hence the "take your time, you only get one entry so you cant edit" bit :p

Any Edits will be void from the comp, saves people reading answers and getting ideas ;)

That's good, although what's to stop late entries stealing ideas from those who have already written their reasons? ;)
The best answer hence the "take your time, you only get one entry so you cant edit" bit :p

Any Edits will be void from the comp, saves people reading answers and getting ideas ;)

I thought that might be the case, but just wanted to be sure before I spent ages on a huge wall of text :p :o

And this guy has made a good point :p

That's good, although what's to stop late entries stealing ideas from those who have already written their reasons? ;)

What i like the most is that one can finally build a budget gaming rig without having to neccessarily spend too much on a graphicscard because one can utilize the onchip graphics and combine it with a compatible card to setup a hybrid-crossfire. As far as Gigabyte are concerned, i think they´re AWESOME!!! Currently also running a mobo from them and i´m more than satisfied. It would be really incredibly interesting to see how the A10 performs on the F2A85X-UP4 with a 7000 series card.

Who knows, maybe i´ll be able to fill you in soon, if i win. ;)

its AMD how can it not benefit me ?

I have an AMD XFX Radeon 7770 Black edition card so and i must admit since i got it my pc had never ran as good as it does since i installed it..

My old GeForce card blew up 2 PSU's and was a resource hog idled at 90C yet my new AMD idles at 27C runs at 30 - 32 on full load... so hmm how would AMD benefit me?! ;)

The new AMD APU will benefit in many ways over my aging AMD Athlon Media PC, for example allowing my parents who live in another country to see their grandaughter grow up. Using the Athlon PC the processing power isnt good enough to give decent picture quality when using HD webcams.

The new AMD APU's would also mean keeping the PC on for longer as its being more energy efficient allowing me to game longer and on a better and bigger screen.

Would also give the wife something better to play her Facebook games on :p


The new Trinity APU by AMD would benefit me in two ways.

One - This would allow me to work on putting together my new LAN system that I wish to start early 2013. The remarkable power this gives would mean I can keep the form factor smaller due to not needing a big card for max graphics! I mean.. Borderlands 2 on max in your video looked impressive!

And two - Failing creating a LAN system, this would allow me to make my girlfriend a new PC (as she games with me!) which would be a massive upgrade from her current laptop, which struggles to run games on medium, let alone maximum.

Many thanks to OcUK as always!

The new AMD tirinity apu is better than the llanos as it is more energy efficient and gives out less heat than a Cpu + Gpu which would benefit more for HTTPCS

I would benefit from this because it would give me a CPU to use in my upcoming HTTPC and it would be able to play HD video unlike just using a CPU with onboard graphics

The new APU will finally give Intels I3 reasons to worry, for price and perfomance it will be hard to beat!

1. It Will finally drag me away from being an Intel fanboy and take the dive into AMD!

2. Will help build a gaming PC for my girlfriend

Great product but for myself my reasons are selfish. I love gaming and I am playing such games as SWTOR and GW2 with in intel pentium 4 cpu using a very old DELL (yes DELL) dimension 5150 Motherboard P/N: KF623. Feel my pain, and give to someone who cannot afford to upgrade due to being a mature student with way too many bills to pay.
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"Would benefit me so that i could keep on top of the best parts available for my pc, the only part that isnt top anymore is my processor"

HOLY **** HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS: 5800k inbound with the sole objective to rape and pillage your weeny single core turd.

- 3.8ghz not enough for your stupid ass? BAM 4.20ghz TURBO MOTHERF**KER
- Integrated GPU kicks so much ass they had to be careful the chip didn't ******* explode when they forced it onto it.
-Multiplier unlocked: if you really think your dumb ass needs more ******* speed go ahead, don't say you weren't warned.
-NASA scientists: "this **** is off the chain!" "o ****, millions of dollars of computing power rendered useless by a SUB £100 CHIP!"
-Classed as an actual ******* weapon in some countries
-This little guy is so cool he can hit 5 point 2 ******* GHZ on AIR
-Rendering photos of hot ass chicks in photoshop has never been so ******* fast
-Inside the die they had to contain the loudest explosions made by man because this thing is such a rampant processing motherf**ker.
-Steven Hawking claims it's powerful enough to go back in motherf**king time

Why do I want one? Are you ******* stupid? Barack Obama wants one, the Queen wants one, even ******* Kim Il-Sung wants one. This would replace all my s**tty PC's in one fell motherf**king swoop.

The new AMD tirinity apu is awesome piece of hardware.Power efficient and power saver technology.CPU and GPU in one, it's suits my needs.
This is all I need for my each day work.


the APU "accelerated processing unit"
is more then just a processor it also battles the top graphics card and creats a lot of power for gaming and developing videos and even speeding up the common tasks of the average computer
with soo much power to little heat its a no brainer when the next generation of system is here and with amd throwing this bad boy out there before intel they break all the feilds

how it would help me ?

well im currently a massive game who's also getting into reveiws of games haredware and software this would wipe the floor with my current phenom 965 and i would be able to create another video of hardware to match my current video on my GR234H monitor

also a video of unboxing and putting it together would be with it and i would happily post overclockers in that video which would be a sure hit with people checking these bad boys out
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