**WIN** Bigfoot Killer 2100 Gigabit Gaming Network Card!! *WINNER ANNOUNCED*

Playing GPL online in the good old days and racing on the streets of Monaco. The car I was chasing lag so my game thought I hit the back of it. This sent me on to the pavement and in to a lamppost that launched me like the space shuttle. Like the shuttle I was in low earth orbit, ok maybe a little lower. I came to rest rocking gently on top of the previously mentioned lamppost with bits of car dropping to earth. Race over :(
i was playing COD4, on the map Crossfire, i got a huge lag spike, and the sniper that was spawncamping has killed me 4 times by the time the lag was gone - headshot every time! :mad::p:mad:
Playing League of legends on a farmed Caitlyn,

I lagged so hard in a lane against two, by the time my lag cleared I had double killed both of them and survived on 12hp

WIN ! !
When playing BC 2 I sometimes get bad lag and when I run I keep going forward or back a few metres and what really ****ed me off once, was when I managed to get to the back of attackers base and am about to knife a noob recon who has sniped me soooooooooooooo many times (due to lag) from the same damn spot, I go to knife him only for me to lag back to some spot (just out of reach so I can't knife him) and then he turns around (as he can hear the knife sounds when you knife) and knives me instead and types in chat "hahahahaha nice try noob, thx for your tags :)" :mad:


If only I had that gaming network card I would have successfully knifed him in the head and many other noob snipers that just sit back to improve their k/d and therefore lots of excellent moments like this for me:

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Since the rules don't mention anything about the lag being related to gaming or in anyway require the use to be not boring, here is my wild card:

When I using my work PC a remarkable 1GHz machine with 196MB RAM, if I go on Capita's Synaptic Comparator Website (application for Financial Advisers to compare investment platforms for clients). Due to the shear power required to run Silverlight, I can click a button and it take 30-45 seconds to do anything. Due to my impatience I of course click again and again. I then have to wait 2 minutes for it to go back and forward.

The gaming network card won't make my job any easier (or give me patience) but it will give me a warm fuzzy feeling every time I have to wait 30 seconds for my app to do something.

and if I put in top of the PC it will also triple the value. (it can't go inside, unless they do an AGP version)
Well like PhilGQ said nothing to do with gaming although it kind of is.

I was speaking on a skype call whilst playing COD. You know when Skype looses connection so I hit my router (rage ;@) and skype came back in the call but all I heard was the words repeating ffs are you there over and over again plus a bang in the background of me banging the router. Quite funny actually went on for 10mins before I ended the call, I also got killed on COD whilst this was happening, so I rage quitted. Damn thing. So I would benefit from this card by being able to actually have a decent convo and pwn some noobs. Plus with my sister thinking its cool to buffer 1080p x 6 at one time is a good idea, I'm normally raging
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I was playing a league final on medal of honor: allied assault about 9 years ago, With one more round to go for the decider to lay hands on the trophy..

It ended up as a 1 vs 1 and i picked off the last guy all i had to do was defuse the "v2 rocket" (had plenty of time) i decided to take a shortcut and jump out on the "control room" (where the red arrow points towards) but just as i went to jump down onto the platform below my game lagged and i miss-timed the fall and went splat!.. That lost us the game.


To this day i think if only i had a network card maybe just maybe this could have been avoided :)

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worst lagging experience eh?

i honestly feel that one of these would improve my fapping abilities no end.
i might even get a video to start playing before i'm finished with one of these :) :)
Try this on for size. During a game on modern warfare 2 game i was playing with friends, now im not the best player to walk the earth but i can hold my own, game was average, the odd bit of lag here and there but ok, got my 7 kill streak for my attack helo on highrise in team deathmatch, trusty ak nub tube doing well.

Scraped enough frags for a AC (poor choice for this map i know) now about this time i was happy as i was on my way to my first nuke :D but... i should have realised things were too good to be true, the lag seemed to pick up more frequently as I racked up the kills. So far the total stood up at 18. Then we had a stroke of luck as i fired my upteenth 105mm shell out of the side of this mellow beast the game stopped for a few seconds, to my delight this laggy moment cased an extra 2 red squares and a cold blud scrub to enter the kill box... heheheh suckers boosting my godlike spree up too a glorious 21. A quick spray of 25mm gatling gunnery and im up another kill... then shes off to base.

Heart pounding... starting ot sweat a bit... time slows down, i come to my senses, turn EVERYTHING i own connected ot the internet not in use off VERY quickly whilst camping behind the stairs. Luckily as i return some scrub was teabagging behind me ready to shoot my melon, i turn round with my ninja reflexes and direct hit him with a gp25 grenade right in the nads 1 nil to luigi the great i think to myself. Kills: 22

Now, like a yong kitten in a new home i gingeerly creep around corners, through hallways and up stairs, like the predator i rely on stealth and like baldric i come up with cunning plans to take down my victims, a quick spray of my silenced grenade launchered up AK im up another 2 now at 24 im as smug as a freshly laid turd from the even more smug puppy on the new carpet. Unfortunately for me luck was not on my side, the game seems to troll me, and troll me hard, host leaves the game, i come back from the loading screen to find my freshly dispatched corpse gathering flys behind 2 blokes both weilding model 1887's. The killcam could not have been more humiliating as i watched my glorious soldier crouching behind his trusty rifle aiming down the sights at my final AFK victim to bring me my mushroom cloud goodness as both barrells of those classic shotguns ripped my uppermass apart. Now lets just say i was less than happy after i was dead, more so when the second bloke started to teabag my corpse whilst shooting at it, or when he sent me a message explaining that i was 1 of! Thank you for informing me i replied, i had no idea.

Now that was bad agreed, my next match was just as bad, i got up to 22 kills with my silenced tavor holographic (my favourite firearm :D) and my akimbo glock silenced on terminal in the cockpit of the plane, i turn round after some good ol' fashioned good ol' english lag to be greeted by not 1, but again 2 blokes both packing claymores and spas 12's laid the slowest mines i have ever seen as there was nothing i could do but spray and go down fighitng, i got one of them before i was eliminated taking my tally to 23. Sad face indeed.

Lag is not somthing i like to talk about anymore... BUT if i had a netwrok card such as this, It could have been avoided and i would have been 2 nukes up giving me enough for the player card whats name. I would have been the envy of entourage! Or just another saddo playing mw2 too much...
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I once lagged so bad in my game of Doom that when I regained control of my character I was in a BFBC2 squad deathmatch...
I once lagged so bad in my game of Doom that when I regained control of my character I was in a BFBC2 squad deathmatch...

^^ lol

I was playing COD4 S&D and had just killed the last enemy on the attack team, I picked up the bomb and started defusing, in the final seconds I lagged and it dropped the bomb and BOOOOOOOM! the bomb explodes blowing me in to a million pieces.

I'm a bit sceptical about these cards so would love to have the chance to try one.
I lagged so hard on BF2 once trying to cap the TV Tower at Sharqi Pensinsula, I ended back on the beach at Wake Island. :(

I live in the sticks and I can only get 1mb download. Don't even ask what my upload speed is. I have updated the firware in my router and ripped out the bellwire so I have modded as far as I can go.

I also cannot play Minecraft because of my connection problems (packet loss etc) and I have heard on GOOD authority that a BigFoot Killer will sure my problems! :D
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my worst lagging experience lasted for 2 years, AOL dialup shared between 4 pcs using coax 10base-T. Made playing quake online quite hard, although on the plus side, the only people with good pings then had to be spending a fortune on ISDN lines.

Honestly, I wouldn't benefit from this card :( it's always the net connection which lags, not the network card.
My network port doesnt even work, so I have to 'tether' using my mobile. I lag so bad on CSS that sometimes I don't load a game until I'm the last one alive....then I get taken advantage of.
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