**WIN** Bigfoot Killer 2100 Gigabit Gaming Network Card!! *WINNER ANNOUNCED*

Well, my worst lagging experience was playing CoD. I used to shoot people, hide to reload, then get a +50 near my name for the kill. People used to be ****ed because they were saying he ain't shooting me, but I had shot them before I hid :D

Needless to say, the flame against me was immense. I had like 600 ping so I couldn't blame them. Was kind of my fault to join a US server whilst downloading but oh well :D rage quitters never ended.

But them I got disconnected, and BOOM, I lost me lag :D
too many instances of lag fail to recount all, but 2 in particular stick in my mind.....

Xbox first of all....big xbox gears of war fan. (before moving onto pc gaming) so there i was blasting the carp outta fools on Raven Down, 2 piecing and shotty head shots galore...loving it. game ended moved to next game of Raven Down, almost str8 away ran in for a 2 piece, took and swing and the dude literally vanished, did a very quick diving roll to my left assuming he'd heard me and jumped outta the road....just then i realised i could hear a 'beep-beep-beep' I'd been frag tagged, brilliant i thought....even more brilliant I'd jumped nuts first into my team...........boom!! wipeout!!!

conversation in the lobby was naturally very polite...'noob'....'ahole' to name but a few of the more polite things i was called... 1 fella told me he'd ran behind me and all of a sudden i just started to run on the spot, then slid slowly along while having some sort of a fit!! Needless to say router got a very swift re-booting (literally involving a boot)

Pc.....can't remember whether it was COD MW or WAW or what it was, defo was COD of some sort....one of the main reasons i hate these games is that i used to get god awful lag on all these, anywhooo, went to lob a nade, stutter, stutter bit of a freeze up. lag let up and i moved on forward and there, joyously appeared the nade proximity warning.....bang, blew myself up with my own nade....thanks COD and BT internet.....never played COD after that!!
This one time, at band camp, lag was so bad, I couldnt glitch on Gears so had to play normally :(
And something about flutes and womens parts, but lags more important :(

The card would make my day...and my girlfriends 'cause its all I bang on about :p
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The bomb was down, it was a 1 Vs 3 clutch, i got the call that the 3 T's were all low on site, I switched to nade, through......BSOD, turns out my network port on my motherboard was taken out along with my USB and Northbridge because my over clock wasn't stable. The annoying thing was that the nade didn't go anywhere and it dropped to my feet and killed me.
Hmmmm ... worst lag experience.... I believe that this was when I was playing Diablo II LoD on Hardcore. I remember dying while running Mephisto in exact same way at least several times. I was using sorc for all my runs and of course in order to reach Mephisto you need to teleport through the whole Durance of Hate lvl 2. However, on hell this place is a living .....well .... hell ^_^. So here it goes, I am teleporting through the place and just while passing a pack of Stygian champions (those little skeletal ******) blessed with fanaticism my connection starts to lag, which in diablo 2 means that im starting to teleport in one place. You know what happens next ... 2-3 teleports on one place, panic, reach for ESC (to save and exit), but just before I hit enter I am forced to hear the agonizing last scream of my fragile (probably teenage) sorceress. And once again ... in Durance of Hate Lvl 2..... I had to watch, with wet eyes, my beloved geared up sorc (with tal-rasha armor and stuff) permanently dead and transformed into a hooded transparent hobo which mocks me from my Diablo 2 character screen... ;(

I hope that if I had this nifty gadget back then, it would have spared me more than a few nights of crying myself to sleep ......./sigh
It was a cold dark winters night in Belfast (actually spring but that season doesn't really exist) and I had saved my pennies to buy the new excitement of left 4 dead. It had been a long wait for it to download, the windows rattled in the wind, the locals made a strange drowning noise down the street begging for more drink.

I tentatively loaded up the new game in my darkened room, wondering what had happened to my flat mate on his trip to the shop. I loaded the first level and joined the mysterious level picking up a gun and slowly jumping about. Something is not right I thought here.

Next think I know there's a bone chilling scream! Zombies to the left, Zombies to the right, my flat mate bursts in on my room, I scream! Try to move in game, lag everywhere. I take one down, and another then some massive thing appears from no where and hits me in the face. I watch helplessly on the floor as zombies eat in an erratic fashion whilst people are lag town around the room by this monster.

Left 4 dead was left alone for a while till I could find clean underwear, play in the day time and the lag to be fixed....
on minecraft I made a 100 x 100 sphere of tnt in the middle of the ocean with a mod tool on my multiplayer server. the idea was to blow it up and make a massive crater in the landscape, it spawned instantly but i was quite far away when i spawned it. I couldnt look at it as the sheer amount of tnt was too much for my laptop to handle, every time i moved closed to it would lag for around 10 minutes and crash my client, and when that happened i had to roll back the server just to reset my location. I tried enabling fogging at max so that i can approach this structure, but it was just the same... In the end i removed the sphere of tnt which contained roughly around 20 million blocks. with a map editor (even when viewed on the map editor it struggled, i removed a million blocks at once and took 5 hours in total), once all that was done, i hit save thinking it was safe to go back to the area now, i started walking towards the ocean, but before i could get there lag pursued followed by client crash after 2 hours of waiting for it to respond (i went to cook and eat). In the end i had to scrap that map and make a new one... as the massive ball of tnt would cause lag to all that went close to the area - we called it the radioactive zone

edit - i think i deserve this card so i can connect to my server from hong kong and retry this feat once more...
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Hopped on the back of a mates Humvee
Tootling along the desert
Jet strike hits
I'm dead

...See Humvee drive away


Jump through a window
Running around small house
start phasing through the walls and sucked towards the window I entered from again
Stuck in a wall

Playing SCII, number one in 1v1 ladder in my division, just about to go steamroll a guy who cannon rushed me. I had macroed all game, had a bunch of carriers and a mothership, was just walking through his army when BOOM! Router dropped out. I put a dent in my wall after that one :(

There are several on COD as well, but not better than that sc2 one :)
Does this count as lag?

Playing poker, 20 people left in a 180 player game. All in with AA and 4 people called... then I dropped connection, resulting in me being kicked out of the game in 19th place and potentially losing $120.
Trying to use the rail gun effectively on Quake 3 with a 56k connection (400ms average ping) on vanilla servers says it all for me lol

With one of those cards I could be pwning n00bs all day long hahaha...

Wow... I think that's the first time i've ever said pwning n00bs.... I feel ill :(
used to play counterstrike 1.6 old times then, and one time was running around with deagle when I see someone, shoot for HS and then LAG, so I kept pressing the mouse pretending to be shooting down the hall. Game resumed, I was dead but took 3 with me all three with HS :p:cool:

also used to play the original wow and remember when we were raiding MC with 40 people and my internet(being a 256K at the time) would randomly disconnect for a couple of seconds/sometimes minutes (only 1 provider in Cy then unfortunately) and it didn't mind cause we were so many, so after discovering this, sometimes I used to put follow on and gone downstairs cook something, watch some TV then come-up again when bosses were done :p:D
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