**WIN** Bigfoot Killer 2100 Gigabit Gaming Network Card!! *WINNER ANNOUNCED*

Dieing in HC on Diablo 2 back in the day. When even if you had a great connection no doubt you still experienced lag on that game especially on sundays. The lost hours on that game makes me sad :(
I was playing f1 2010 game with 2 of my friends. Everyone was on wireless (badd). Needless to say everyone was crashing as cars start ghosting during the lap and disappear and reappear during corners at different positions causing everyone to collide with each other.

I proceeded to rebuild my computer as all my friends blamed me and I thought I had a fault somewhere!

Edit: I have no working ethernet ports at present as my onboard one is broken, would really like to get that sorted!
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CoD4 clan match. Im the last man standing covering the objective. Go to nade a doorway just for cover, pull the pin, huge lag spike..... nade rolls about a foot infront of me. by the time i get out of prone im blown to bits. Game over.
i havent really done much PC gaming because ive only recently got a PC capable of gaming, but im sure this network card would help my internet connection at home. it might be an 8MB connection, but it was AOL, so you can guess how bad it is. two years ago i was downloading a few documents from my old school's website, and got a connection of 700 bytes per second. yes, thats bytes per second, not kilobytes per second. took me over five minutes to download three word documents :eek:
killer NIC

well on " heroes of newerth " once apon a time, i was getting some lag, u know the type of alg that is worse than unplayable lag?, where u click or shoot and it doesnt come out or respond, happened when i was "trying" denying a creep on heroes of newerth near enemy tower decides not to do that and just run straight for the tower im screaming at the screen fcuking go back!...dead.
and got a connection of 700 bytes per second. yes, thats bytes per second, not kilobytes per second. took me over five minutes to download three word documents :eek:

LOL, my first modem was 300 bps one, it was as big as match box :) I won't say how big.. no ... how huge was my first two phone bills... as twice in cost as my computer was worth :/

BTW, do you remember those stories with calling BBSes ?
Pick the number, click "dial" and hear in speaker "Hello ?" and after that high "beeeeeeeeeeeeeee.......".
Wrong BBS number ;-)
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My worst experience with lag was when I was 16, built first pc and tried playing counter-strike online... I was using AOL 56k and the lag was so bad that my pc got up and left ( true story, it died faster than a singer on Britain's got talent) and this card would make those memories fade away .. I still wake up crying sometimes
My Worst Experience/Embarrassment with lag was on World of Warcraft.
I Was with my mate on Teamspeak and we was running round killing all the Alliance players who was around our level in Nagrand. My mate said 'Brb' so i thought There is a quest hub over there might as well finish a couple quests. Then i saw this person just standing there AFK. so i thought ahaha! im Going to own this nub!

Walked up. Standing behind him. Minimised to get some Recording software up. Clicked Record went back to game and the other player was still in the same position. So i clicked a couple cooldowns and casted a couple spells, got him to like half hp within a couple seconds to see the game lag and freeze. After 10 seconds it came back with me standing still with about 5-10% Health. with the other player attacking me! i died within a second or 2. Having this all on video was a Massive Embarrassment especially to my mate who came back saying. Why are you dead? :(
I think I witnessed what I saw as "time travel" lag in World of Warcraft last week when my ISP suffered a fault with my broadband, and I was so desperate to get back online, I decided to burrow my neighbour's connection, for a small fee. It was okay for the most part, with occasional lag hiccups every now and then, until I got more than I bargained for in one match...

So we were doing some 3v3 "arena" or tourny style action, when I suddenly noticed I kind of lagged out. Expecting a disconnect and shouting "omfg" IRL, my team mates saw me as moonwalking on the spot like MJ due to the lag, and to my surprise, I was able to get back into the action 10 seconds after... but in a rather unusual way. Specifically, when the momentarily lagspike ran its course, I saw characters fly over the screen, missiles and objects all over the place at insane speeds, as if someone was doing speed hacks. Then, all of a sudden, it happened again, and this time, I was dead.

I will never forget the day where I experienced "time travell-like" lag. It was embarrassing yet hilarious at the same time - everyone saw me making "teleport" like movements when I did managed to get a few seconds in the game, and all of a sudden, I just hit the ground.
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I was playing black ops, I ran out into the open on the snow level to try and diffuse a bomb I was lagging really badly so I wasn't sure if it was diffusing or not. Turns out I was lying a couple of yards away in the open with 4 of the enemy around me just looking at me. yay lag.
playing call of duty modern warefare 2, getting huge lag, then dying without seeing anyone, then got a nice killcam of someone sort of jumping towards me and knifing me from about 15 foot away
My worst lagging experience was on the recent Battlefield 3 beta.

I got killed and saw on the kill cam, a room with about 7 enemies in. I thought i'd go back to the room and toss a grenade in. Suddenly my ping shot to around 800 but quickly dropped back down to the usual.

While this was happening, I threw the grenade into the room, ran into the room and unlagged back with a cooked grenade sat infront of me. God knows where the enemies went!

I could really do with this card since i've just recently built a new system and the only thing it is lacking is a network card, the one for the competition seems like a BEAST!

I could really use it since the house is short on funds at the moment and no job, so that means no network card!

Thanks for hosting the competition!
Well i was playing half life 2 dm and my experience was pretty dreadful at he time was like walking in sticky mud what made matters worse i was blowing myself up everytime i used my nades thought i was hitting others when i didnt was getting a little depressed by it all.But one stuck in my mind and was so funny i entered this room must have been 10 times because of the lagg and behind the door someone laid a slam(mine) and the guy who laid it was watching me going in and out of the room and come down from his camping post and blew himself up and me.He was killling himself with laughter over the mic said it was like watching benny hill.Good and bad experience that day hoping it never happen again but good laughs had by all
Well playing TF2, playing soldier. I was playing pl_hoodoo_final and the payload was an inch away from the final point. I decided to rocket jump onto a ledge to get an advantage to defend the heavy, Well I had major lag just as i shot the rocket to rocketjump. When i got out of the lag i basically died and was launched into the air dead (how shameful)... and I couldn't protect the heavy and we lost :( My mates still mock me to this day...
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