**WIN** Bigfoot Killer 2100 Gigabit Gaming Network Card!! *WINNER ANNOUNCED*

my worst one has got to be on wow i was on voice chat at the time with a mate. i was lvling a shammy ele around the lvl 74 area in gundrak. pulled one mob with a lighting bolt. and as soon as it got to me. my char froze

so ofc i give it a "ffs lag" waited 30 secs still nothing yet the mob is still doing damage to me olny 100 -150 at a time but my life was going down. after 2 mins of taking a few 100 hits i just started to say the damage the mob was hitting me for to my mate. "100 100 110 140 124 156 126 136" i did this all the way to 0 life.

slated my head set up the wall and walked off for a fag come back 15-20 mins later on 0 life still lagging and getting hit by the same mob. restarted wow took about 10 mins to log in and ofc i was dead checked the in game ping and it was around 1.2 billion.

but ofc i still tryed to play
i was one kill away from a 25 kill streak on modern warfare 2, and i threw my semtex at someone in front of me to get the 25th kill, and they moved out of the way, and i then jerked forwards for no particular reason right into my semtex, and blew up :D

Just when i thought things could not get any more embarrassing, it was also in the background of the final killcam, which meant that everyone saw it... the laughter was astronomical xD

I have also been running along the highrise map before, and been randomly flung off of the side.

this one wasnt due to lag, but we were playing a team deathmatch on wasteland, and the entire enemy team were camping in the bunker in the middle, and we couldent touch them at all, anyone who tried got killed practically instantly. So what happened was, three players on my team stuck me with semtex, and i then ran straight into the middle of the bunker. you can guess the rest :p

I'm not a regular call of duty player, but those were some of the funny ones.

I think that i would benefit from having a bigfoot killer network card, because gaming + virgin media broadband do not go well together (in my area at least) so if i could channel all of my bandwidth to my games, things like this might not happen :p

also £60 is a lot to me because i am a student... you may be thinking "yeah but you have a nice gaming rig so you can't be exactly poor"
but the money for the gaming setup was from my entire family as a 'well done' for getting good exam grades :) at the moment i have a shiny new pc, and internet too bad to game online very often :(
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I have no lagging experience to share but would like you to concider my entry purely as I already have on KN 2100 sitting doing nowt and it's lonley and needs a mate so a second would keep it warm at night and I would have two shiny KN 2100's to look at instead of one.

But of course with the addition of a second some serious LAN teaming would be had and I would have half as much lag as I had with just one. Awsome

P.S I hhhhhhaad laaaag wwwriting thiiiis ppppost
My lagging experience was not funny, but irritating and annoying, nothing to laugh at :/
My network adapters was blo*dily weak to convince router to sent out stronger IP packets and datagrams over Virgin cables and all that machinery exposed to sun, rain, cat's poo and whatever you can imagine. Virgin outdoor boxes are open almost all the time, so anyone can come and put own IP packets directly from his bag, smack up to accelerate them and make higher priority making me more angry due to lag arising. But yesterday I've found out how to accelerate PINGs - I took 2 cables, put one ending to power socket 240V and every time I notice slow packet on my screen, I touch it twice with another cable endings.... yooohoo.. how they run after that small caress.. The only minus is some pixels run out of the screen, too - but once I give them some milk bought on e-b*y, they come back and cheep silently. Sor far I caught 2 boxes of run-awayers_bad_destination_IP packets, but looking at solid case of Bigfoot Killer 2100 I think they will have no chance to break out again.

Of course if I won the card, I would change my signature to "This comment has been sent out to OcUK with lowest possible ping" ;-)
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I was walking down the stairs the other day, had some real life packet loss and woke up confused and in pain at the foot of the stairs :(
EVE Online, running Lv4 missions in my armageddon. Nicely fitted, rigs and T2 modules, I was sailing through them. But during one of them I noticed that nothing was happening. There were lots of lasers firing but I wasn't taking any damage, but neither were the enemies. Immediately I quit the game and reloaded it, my ship warps back into the mission with about 70% and I immediately turn on my armour repairers and warp to a starbase to get out of there.This all starts before I notice the exact same thing happening, and I've lagged out. Restart the game, I get warped back into the mission with even less armour, so getting more paniced I warp to the station again, this time the client itself tells me I've been disconnected, and it closes. Log in again, it warps to the mission and my ship explodes :(

Later I discover that if I'd not tried logging back on and waited until my connection was stable then I wouldn't have lost the ship, I didn't realise it was moved to safety once you lost connection :(

Well my experience relates to Eve Online as well....It was back in the heady days of 2005. I was a die hard Eve player, and CEO of a little multi-national corporation called Galaxy Punks (I know cool name innit)

My corporation was hoping to establish itself in Deklein a province in the north of the Eve galaxy and our alliance the Freelancer alliance had ambitions to secure this little piece of the game map for it's own use...

Then reality hit. Bob a giant alliance of mainly American, but also including CCP employees decided they wanted a piece of us; and that Freelancer alliance was going down.

But they didn't come themselves, no they sent the largest Mercenary force on the map, Mercenary Coalition. Boy the Freelancers and Galaxy Punks corporation were to have some fun over the upcoming weeks.

Anyway, back to this thread, Freelancer Alliance found itself suffering defeat after defeat, me and my buddies were in the penultimate system before total defeat occurred. I was in my trusty Dominix battleship, armed to the death with 20 lethal drones and 6 rail guns bristling from my port and starboard, waiting with the rest of my buddies for Mercenary Coalition.

However, I failed to consider a few factors...1)I had a crap single core AMD 64 chip, 2) I had a paltry 2 meg connection pipe, 3) Only one gig of RAM...Oh and onboard Lan.

Mercenary Colaition warps in, with hundreds of ships, my PC cannot cope, guns are blazing all around me, from my hundred or so buddies, but my system just cannot cope with whats going on online. Bam bam, fire guns, send my drones in...then the lag finally wins and I am presented with the login screen, it appears the game client of Eve has betrayed me and booted me out of the server, I desperately try and re-enter Eve to fight to the death with my comrades.

After two minutes I log back in to be presented with my Character back in Empire, probably naked in his underpants, with no ship, no drones and one hundred million isk worse off. Boy did I gnash my teeth in fury that day. When a nerd goes to war he at least dreams of going down guns blazing.

Von out
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Worst Lag!

I am a big Fifa11 fan on the PC. Only yesterday I was playing against Chelsea and the lag was so bad Torres made the Man Utd defence look like it was comprised a team of OAPs. If I had a BIgfoot Killer 2100 Gigabit Gaming Network Card then I might even be able to perform miracles and perhaps even make Arsen's team of Gunners look like eleven Usain Bolts ;)
My worst experience with lag has to have been during a World of Warcraft 40 man raid, our intention was to move further into a place known as Blackwing Lair by finally killing the first boss, this involved intense concentration and teamwork.

For those uneducated with these things, this boss encounter involved one person controlling a dragon to kill his own eggs, with 39 people killing and protecting, once the eggs are eradicated only then can you kill the boss. It was a very hard encounter and took weeks to get to grips with.

Our record was six eggs left to kill and that night we had two eggs left with major excitement building knowing we were going to do it, suddenly we all lagged and ran on the spot for 30 seconds before falling through the floor making a carpet of dead bodies in a jungle zone on an entirely separate continent.

To our surprise we then saw another 120 people fall to their deaths on top of us followed by the server crashing. Great times ;)
Well, when i try to game online from one of the two locations i am near, i get around 300 ping+

Once, i was playing Halo CE online, on blood gulch.

I went through a teleporter, and fired my sniper by accident into thin air.

Next thing i knew, i was permabanned for hacking.

Turns out that due to my lag one of my m8's was actually standing there, and i had no-scope headshotted him without realising, and the game thought i was hacking! :D

A new card would really help my gaming performance, as i normally end up in a 1 on 1 situation where we kill each other -.- Also, I run a fair few small (10 man) LAN parties with myself as the host, this would speed them up a bit too :D
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I was playing Wolf Team and was on a kill streak and came across a friggin' lagger who looked to be hopping through time, one moment he's near me, I'm shooting, emptying shells and then I'm dead, he's survived and gone! He didn't even take a hit! I'm re-spawning.. GREAT o.O Get net! QQ

So I'd benefit from this NIC as I would own these n00bs and walk away a living, "herculean champion" with a "lag-free advantage"
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Funniest I've experienced was a mate in a CS1.6 mix years ago.
After playing a while, we realised his vent calls and general chat wasn't making much sense - for some reason his vent had lagged (on NTL at the time) massively - and I mean by 10 minutes or something.
He was still shouting things like "they're rushing B!" 10 minutes after the match ended lol..

Spose anyone would benefit from a ms or 2 on paper... If it can do proper traffic shaping then presumably you could play and download stuff at the same time...
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When Playing farmvile,for those of you that do not know this is the game of choice for all unemployed, students, and Social network addicts, I was competing with a friend, fiercely trying to grow more crops than him, although I had more land the time taken to grow the crops seemed like years, I rigorously treated the ground and sprayed the crops they we growing into a very successful yield and I was moments away from the perfect moment to harvest and could seem I was light-years ahead of my friend, the moment I had finally arrived I was so excited and impatiently had started to brag to my friends you could see the envy running through them, I went to select harvest at which point I felt a huge sinking feeling, my LAN! it had lagged! the moment was gone and I was not longer able to harvest! the crops were ruined I had FAILED!!!! ever since I have not been able to face Farmvile again but my lust for it is so strong!

OCUK please I think the only way I will be able to play Farmvile again will be using a Killer NIC so I can optimise my LAN for Farmvile
Once while playing mw2 i was getting major lag spikes in a Hardcore S&D match, we managed to take the team down to 1 vs 2 situation, and my team mate decided to plan the bomb, if i recall it was on sub base. I had a care package to call in, so i called it in near the plant point. The last remaining enemy decided to shoot down on us from a window, i started to pull the pin on my semtex grenade, and was hit with a lag spike. When the spike stopped, i had thrown my semtex at my feet, which resulted in my death, and my team mate had moved into the path of my care package, which resulted in me team killing him....
I frequently get lag in a lot of my games, and im getting sick to death of my mobo's built in lan card.
I realise this isn't a gaming experience, but still...
While discretely dealing with certain urges via one of the many excellent free online pr0n sites we have now, I was enjoying a clip for a classic Ron Jeremy flick, I was basically at the finish line, well past the point of no return, looking on with sordid elation at the expression of ecstasy on the face of the (might I add extremely talented) actress involved, when the shot went to reverse shot... It was at this point the feed chose to lag, leaving me staring at the frozen rictus of Ron Jeremy's bonce as I crossed the finish line.
I haven't been able to look in a mirror since.
It's literally like I splashed on his face.
I'm sure this won't win me the bigfoot, but I feel better for confessing.
I lagged in RL

It was January 1995 and one quiet Saturday night just after Xmas I was standing working behind the bar at my local pub when a pretty girl walked in with a few mates. As bar men tend to do I played to the audience and sent said girl and her mates copious amounts of alcohol for the rest of the night.

As is typical in this situation and before I could blink this fine article and I were romping around the back seat of my Mitsubishi Galant up a near by country lane and as contraception was nowhere to be found we both agreed that rhythm was all that was required. (you can see where this is going cant you :rolleyes:)

So yes I lagged and six weeks later those fatal words bounced around inside my head "I'm pregnant" :eek:

So 16yrs later, married (yip to the pretty girl in question) and with a moody teenager in tow I'm still paying. Its only now in recent years that I've got back into gaming and I guess in a way its handy having your Co-Op partner in the next room.

So for all those years of missed gaming and more to the point for doing the dutiful thing and marrying the lass before the wee fella was born, thus saving you all as tax payers the burden of my lag-mare, I feel it is now time that I am rewarded.

Finally I am prepared to accept a consolation prize of a packet of condoms :D
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I recently spent three days lagging my boiler. Once I'd finished, my PC burst into flames cos the house was too hot.

Totally destroyed my home made turbo ninja* gaming network card, so obviously I need a new one.

*patent pending
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