Let's be honest.... Alfiemarley is basic Tony Williams.
I don't think wind farms are ugly, and I'm not sure that vistas that people care for should really be priority. If you can damage fewer environments by putting turbines in a nice view, that makes more sense from an energy usage perspective, which is surely what this is about.
I'm not suggesting that we ruin all the countryside in England, but we have to accept that our energy usage is damaging and that we might have to compromise beauty for long term gain.
Certainly the government chosen isn't the ideal party for long term energy sustainability.
How much to power to produce 1 compared to what it will produce on average in it's life time ?
It's all energy taken out for a minuscule amount in return.
If they're anywhere near a wind farm, then it's most likely to be the long sleepless nights.
They are an eyesore and swans are sometimes killed flying into them as they have poor eyesite. Get rid of them I say.
They are actually using diesel generators as backup as well. Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR)
Tax breaks are not subsidies, you pay tax on profit.
Not really, the difference is power plants create mostly local jobs, wind power creates mostly foreign jobs.
Edit: with less moving parts is there a greater potential to integrate these into high rise buildings? The top of a 20 story building is going to be quite windy.
At the end of the day, as an individual you are either for or against renewable energy as a whole.
There is no justification in saying tidal/solar is better than onshore wind generation other than a subjective opinion. NIMBY Organisations feed off proven falacies and promote them as fact. Here are few common misconceptions just from this thread....
On the energy cost's of production...
Payback within 6 months at the earliest.
On Noise...
There are laws in place regarding noise...
On birds....
They are bird murdering meat grinders... Windows are far far worse..
On Diesel backup being a norm.
yeah that's what all those white boxes are next them....
On subsidy
Take away renewable subsidy and give renewables monetary benefits the same as hydrocarbons recieve then
On Jobs and where the money goes.
Daily mail articles at best...
Missed the damage to the North Wales Tourism quote too...
Scaremonger at it's finest.
These work from wind behaviour that architects try to eliminate from buildings, adding them to the top of tall buildings is probably not the best idea![]()
I don't know why people complain about wind turbines, it's energy production that doesn't destroy the planet, what would you NIMBYs rather live next to a wind farm or a nuclear/coal power station?
Have done and would happily do so again, as long as I'm far enough away not hear the boiler safety valves lift when it trips.
I would rather wind farms weren't littered over the landscape reminding me of all that wasted money and effort.
Quite clearly infere here after quoting me that I suggest wind power is a replacement for nuclear... Never even suggested it. Do not even understand why you even brought it up...
It kinda goes to show that in North Wales the is significantly more resistance to more windmills than the is to a new nuclear plant, probably because only the former have damaged our tourism industry...
also cause a nuclear plant means jobs, and a big boost to industry.
Certainly the same with wind power.
Coal needs to go its an incredibly dirty fuel... I clearly stated what I believe our mix should be. Is your vision impaired?
Perhaps we should still be processing wool using 1800 techniques you know to employ more people, and not concern ourselves with the environemental or health impacts.
There is no justification in saying tidal/solar is better than onshore wind generation other than a subjective opinion.
wave for instance though is a constant load for most of the time outside of storms.
waves are regular occur every second of every day and we have a lot of coast.