Is it possible to do a straight clean install to a new drive using Win7 key without first doing the upgrade on current Win7 drive?
Yes I would like to know that too..
Is it possible to do a straight clean install to a new drive using Win7 key without first doing the upgrade on current Win7 drive?
Anyone having issues with the embedded flash player in Microsoft edge and ie?
4od for example is saying I don't have the most up to date version but its embedded into windows 10 hence I cant download from adobes website.
Not end of the world but weird as edge says its enabled but the online test says its disabled.
I turn my monitor on this morning (I leave my pc on 24/7) and apparently its decided to upgrade from windows 7, to windows 10 all by itself without me pressing ok (Yay?)
assuming I decide this is good, should I be looking to do a fresh install sometime soon, or are upgrades pretty good these days? (my install on win7 was what I would call fairly recent)
Bonus question. I have no disk or key for my windows 7, how would I got about retrieving what I need?
The only way to fully disable Windows Update in 10 requires 3rd party software/scripts and has a fair few potential side effects. Some security updates will be pushed through regardless unless you take more drastic steps as well for instance you can set all your connections as metered connections - but then that means if you actually need functionality that distinguishes between metered and unmetered connections you are a bit stuck.
^ Once the rollback occurs will Windows 7 initiate another upgrade at some point?
Is there currently a large windows 10 update going on?
Had a phone call from my dad moaning that's it's been updating for over an hour and is at 11% only. Seems a bit odd to me but I don't have 10 so was wondering.