Windows 10 is it the worst ever version ?

No. Data is not collected. Metadata might be, but the data most certainly is not.

With the exception OneDrive, but then you choose what you upload to that, so you can then hardly also try and use the "OMG invading my privacy!" argument.

I'm also pretty certain the US laws only apply to US citizens and companies, rather than simply anyone from anywhere who happens to have data stored in the US. But I may be wrong as I'm not an expert on US law.
As you'd know MS has been told by the USA court to give all the data from their European servers to the USA gov.

So far MS has said NO. But now with win 10 there's no need for the courts to get involved.
USA gov can access what data they want as win 10 people say they(MS)USA)) can.

Well the US can enjoy seeing me enjoy the likes of Tori Black then :~) I don't understand why people get so defensive about their data, I mean what do you have that is so important? All I care about is them not getting my bank details and that is all really.
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No it applies to US companies regardless of where the data is stored according to the US judiciary.

I mean the other way, I.e. if a UK based company or a UK citizen has data stored in a data centre in the US, can the US Government access it using the Patriot Act?

Deuse's point was that because every Windows 10 users data, regardless of where they are in the globe, is stored in Redmond (it isn't, but we will humour him for the purpose of discussion), that the US Government has access to it using the same means as they would to access a US citizens data stored in the US.
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Yeah sorry, I meant theres no proper way to turn them off. You can disable the service as you said, but thats not something Microsoft are going to suggest to anyone :p.

So basically you can have everything or nothing, and with Windows moving to being more of an OS as a Service, I wouldn't be surprised if they start to apply a lower cap to the level of updates you need to have in order to use some services, especially if they start to plug security holes. Similar to how you can't play some games on Playstation unless you have applied a minimum level of Firmware updates.

Plus you won't get all the new shiny awesome features they will be releasing....
Well the US can enjoy seeing me enjoy the likes of Tori Black then :~) I don't understand why people get so defensive about their data, I mean what do you have that is so important? All I care about is them not getting my bank details and that is all really.

Some people are just private people, others might be concerned about stigmas like sexuality, religion, etc.

We are relatively lucky as well in the UK, there are parts of the world where things that are perfectly acceptable here are prohibited/taboo.

History is littered with examples of why mass profiling/being too open with your data generally isn't a good idea - though aside from stuff like onedrive content most of the data MS collects is stripped of identifying information before it is transmitted and stored as a generic "fingerprint" that can't be directly linked back to who it was built from.
Just read the thread title - even IF you aren't getting on with Windows 10, are you really going to tell me it's worse than Me, worse than 98 or 95? Remember how an app that crashed would often take the whole OS with it?

I didn't like Windows 8 at all but if it was that or one of the three above i'd install 8 no questions asked. And 10 is certainly better than 8, for me it's alongside Windows 7 as the best Windows.
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