windows 7 party pack.

had this email on the first..

Thanks for Your Interest in Hosting a Windows® 7 Launch Party

As you can imagine, interest in hosting this party was very strong and host spots were limited, and as a result, many wonderful applicants could not be selected.

We’re sorry to inform you that your application was not among those chosen to host a party. We really appreciate your time and effort in completing the application and value your interest in the Windows 7 Launch Party.
had this email on the first..

Thanks for Your Interest in Hosting a Windows® 7 Launch Party

As you can imagine, interest in hosting this party was very strong and host spots were limited, and as a result, many wonderful applicants could not be selected.

We’re sorry to inform you that your application was not among those chosen to host a party. We really appreciate your time and effort in completing the application and value your interest in the Windows 7 Launch Party.

i will send you a party hat buddy :(
I don’t like they way that some guy complains from some little island and gets his way when Microsoft nearly always excludes the uk from god knows how many promotions and we are very vocal about it and Microsoft just ignores us.

Not having a go at the guy, good on him, but Microsoft need to sort themselves out.

and btw I love Microsoft, this is just a minor annoyance :P
Couldn't see any pics in the thread so here you go (for those interested) -




just got my email declining my party pack :( oh well not long to wait

to be fair a lot of us applied weeks back, i think anyone going for this over the last two weeks will get turned down

Couldn't see any pics in the thread so here you go (for those interested) -

can't wait, shame its a crappy sleeve and not a retail box
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I applied on the 14th sept, and found out 2 days ago that I was turned down. Had I not have gone onto the party web site, I would never have known. But, I'm not bothered, i have 2 copies on order anyway.
Where did that picture on the first page come from?

I demand to know, that's a picture of me from a LAN party me and my three mates went too back in the day.

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