Windows 8 Adoption Poor

I am on day 3 of using it, hate it.

I did at first. It's a pain in the arse that you can't select the desktop to display first (they really should change that)... or change the default image when you sign out (yeah that really is just bloody stupid)... or do things like change the background image for the tiles page. The tiles don't always seem to be upto date with news etc, which is a little annoying, maybe their is a setting for that.

I originally found it daft when looking for applications as they are all displayed in stupid little tiles.... so just start typing what you are looking for and it quickly narrows them down :-)

I really like that there is a native netflix app I can quickly and easily use.

I don't have any issues with gaming, and I even have my X-Fi Elite Pro (PCI) is running perfectly with all the features enabled even though they say it wouldn't work. Brilliant.
I did at first. It's a pain in the arse that you can't select the desktop to display first (they really should change that)... or change the default image when you sign out (yeah that really is just bloody stupid)... or do things like change the background image for the tiles page. The tiles don't always seem to be upto date with news etc, which is a little annoying, maybe their is a setting for that.

I originally found it daft when looking for applications as they are all displayed in stupid little tiles.... so just start typing what you are looking for and it quickly narrows them down :-)

I really like that there is a native netflix app I can quickly and easily use.

I don't have any issues with gaming, and I even have my X-Fi Elite Pro (PCI) is running perfectly with all the features enabled even though they say it wouldn't work. Brilliant.

Less then a second to go between Desktop and Metro Start so not a big deal and plenty of ways to do this,customise Win8 to your needs in both old desktop UI and Metro ,that way you have Win8 working for you rather then the other way around.

Originally Posted by stulid View Post
I am on day 3 of using it, hate it.

With respect I can never understand anyone that uses any OS that they really hate(work environments are excluded because
it comes with the job etc).
I have never done this and nobody is forcing you to use it so are you chained to Win8 and don't have a chainsaw ;) ,plenty of options OS wise out there on both Linux and Windows :) .

Personally Win8 is dead simple to use and I'm finding it a bit boring now because it has been solid and I have adapted to it very quickly and already looking forward to the next gen of Windows,at least I've my Linux Distro's to play with as well.
Is it true that there will be a boot to desktop mode in 8.1? this i do like allthough I enjoy 8 and use most of it's features. I would rather boot to desktop.
I think you're thinking of superfetch, cached data in RAM is still alive and well.

Yes My bad.


Maybe it's that I only got games installed that I only got 1.5GB in use?
Is it true that there will be a boot to desktop mode in 8.1? this i do like allthough I enjoy 8 and use most of it's features. I would rather boot to desktop.

We don't know yet. I don't personally see what the advantage is (one mouse click?) but a lot of people seem to request it.
I am on day 3 of using it, hate it.

I've installed Windows 8 4 times now, spent about 3 days on it each time and then end up putting 7 back on.

I wouldn't go as far as to say I hate it, I just can't see the point of bothering to get used to it. It seems no faster in general use, and i'm still one of the few who uses my Start Menu extensively.
Well I've finally found something about Windows 8 that's irritating.

The Windows Mail app. I've been quite happily using Thunderbird for ages, but thought I'd have a play and add some accounts to WM today to see if it was any good, and what do I find ....


OMG .. The world has ended, teddies out of prams, utterly incredulous ... Windows 8 SUCKS! I'm going back to Windows 7!!!

Or maybe I'll just carry on using Thunderbird and not care very much :)
I'm hoping for major updates to the Windows apps in 8.1. The Bing apps by comparison are pretty decent. None of them are amazing.
I'm hoping for major updates to the Windows apps in 8.1. The Bing apps by comparison are pretty decent. None of them are amazing.

Aye, it's only a minor thing really, although something that ought to be addressed, as is the fact you can only apparently have three IMAP email accounts set to download email 'as it arrives' and you have to set any others you have to every 15 minutes or more.
Aye, it's only a minor thing really, although something that ought to be addressed, as is the fact you can only apparently have three IMAP email accounts set to download email 'as it arrives' and you have to set any others you have to every 15 minutes or more.

The problem is that most of the metro apps have lots of little, shall we say, foibles - and they accumulate. So while one on its own might not be a show stopper enough of them make you question using the app.

I'm one of these weridos who doesn't actually mind using metro apps on my desktop (on a secondary monitor) I probably handle 50% of my mail through the app and the rest through Outlook Web Access. It doesn't bother me, but I can see why it would frustrate the hell out of some users that there is stuff you can do in a BROWSER that you can't on a native app.

Microsoft need to raise their game with the core Windows apps. These ought to be the apps that define the metro experience, and that other developers aspire to.
Accoring to the beeb, MS have confirmed the button is coming back:

Microsoft said:
We’ve improved the way you navigate to Start [screen] with the mouse by changing the Start “tip” to be the familiar Windows logo. The new tip appears anytime you move the mouse to the bottom left corner of the screen, and is always visible on the taskbar when on the desktop.
when you say its coming back. its not really coming back, it doesn't function or look the same.
its just a visual clue for the hot corner. Just clear that up before we get 20 posts going thank god its back.
when you say its coming back. its not really coming back, it doesn't function or look the same.
its just a visual clue for the hot corner. Just clear that up before we get 20 posts going thank god its back.

Hehe it's an idiots guide ;) ,glad it's not coming back.
So the button that is coming back, isn't coming back? Lol. Give up Glaucus. The start button is back.

Give it up, the start button is not coming back.
Not in any recognisable form. If you think you are going to get a list of sub menus you will be disappointed, it's a visual button for the start screen nothing more.

For something to come back it has to at least act or resemble the thing that went, this doesn't. We don't need more confusion, the amount of people in this and other threads who thought the start menu was coming back in all it's sub menu "glory" shows what such posts as yours convey. It simply isn't accurate.
Give it up, the start button is not coming back.
Not in any recognisable form. If you think you are going to get a list of sub menus you will be disappointed, it's a visual button for the start screen nothing more.

For something to come back it has to at least act or resemble the thing that went, this doesn't. We don't need more confusion, the amount of people in this and other threads who thought the start menu was coming back in all it's sub menu "glory" shows what such posts as yours convey. It simply isn't accurate.

button != menu. Surely you haven't been foolish to think they are the same thing all along? :confused:
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