Micro$oft TICK-TOCK strategy:

Windows <=3.0 - fail
Windows 3.1 - good
Windows 95 - fail
Windows 98 - good
Windows 98SE - just remake (fail)
Windows 2000 - good
Windows Me - fail
Windows XP -good
Windows Vista - fail
Windows 7 - good
Windows 8 - fail

It's why I wait for next OS ;-)
I have a OEM copy of XP which I used on another desktop. Can I use the Windows 8 upgrade for this? Also does the old install need to be present, or can I just type in the old license key when installing Windows 8?
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Micro$oft TICK-TOCK strategy:

Windows <=3.0 - fail
Windows 3.1 - good
Windows 95 - fail
Windows 98 - good
Windows 98SE - just remake (fail)
Windows 2000 - good
Windows Me - fail
Windows XP -good
Windows Vista - fail
Windows 7 - good
Windows 8 - fail

It's why I wait for next OS ;-)

What are you smoking?, did you even use these O/S's?, it went:

Home user O/S's:
Windows 3.0 - Good, MS's first decent O/S, the one that put them on the map
Windows 3.1x - Good, it looked like 3.0 but had so many behind the scenes improvements
Windows 95 - Great, landmark O/S, introduced the start menu, introduced many people to the band Weezer* and was directly attributed to putting some other O/S's out of business.
Windows 98 - Great, looked like 95 but built on the strengths and introduced many behind the scenes changes
Windows 98SE - ""
Windows ME - Fail, another 9x update, anybody who knew anything about computers bought 2000 instead, it wasn't terrible but 9x was now so outdated that 2000 was literally night and day ahead.

Workstation/Server O/S's:
Windows NT 3.1 - Good, MS's first business only orientated O/S was very stable and great at what it was designed to do.
Windows NT 3.5 - Good, it had many behind the scenes improvements and was notably faster than 3.1
Windows NT 3.51 - Good, added support for PowerPC processors and added more features like Windows 95 networking comparability
Windows NT 4.0 - Great, the Start menu comes to NT, one of the most solid O/S's ever made imo
Windows 2000 (AKA NT 5.0) - Great, a worthy successor to 4.0, was so good/stable it pretty much killed off 9x too and allowed MS to unify its operating systems

Unified O/S's:
Windows XP (AKA NT 5.1) - Great, it may have only been an updated/improved rework of 2000 but the new theme and the introduction of a home version as well as pro and server (2003) unified MS's O/S's and XP went down as one of the best ever.
Windows Vista (AKA NT 6.0) - Fail, surprising really as it was actually quite good, it improved on many things in XP and introduced many new features and stability enhancements, however people (who obviously never tried XP on the recommended specs) complained it was slow and a resource hog, the server version (2008) was also good.
Windows 7 (AKA NT 6.1) - Great, it built upon all the strong points of Vista and did its best to change or replace what people didn't like, as the average computer spec had moved on since Vista's launch and 7 did not increase requirements it didn't get the slating for being slow Vista had, the server version (2008R2) is also a good O/S
Windows 8 (AKA NT 6.2) - Looks to be good, kills off the 17 year old Start menu in favour of a more efficient more modern design, adds more functionality and many other improvements.

*Weezers Buddy Holly video was included on the Windows 95 CD as a tech demo of the new .AVI format and Intels Indeo codec.
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Windows 7 - GOOD
Windows 8 - FAIL (October 26th 2012)
Windows 9 - EXCELLENT (October 24th 2014)

Already concluding that Windows 8 is fail, and Windows 9 (2yrs away) is excellent? :rolleyes:

People seem to enjoy joining the bandwagon of 'Windows 8 is worse than Windows 7 so I'm not buying' despite not having any experience to back anything up.

My opinion after a while of testing on W8 / personal use, it's a great upgrade.
7 allowed it (in fact it required it) so 8 most likely will.

So would I need to have the install present or could I just type in the OEM serial number??

Windows 8 (AKA NT 6.2)kills off the 17 year old Start menu in favour of a more efficient more modern design

TBH,people can install Start8 for free and avoid having to really care,so in the scheme of things it is hardly changing anything for a desktop user. People who like the new layout can stick with it and those who prefer the previous style can also keep it now. Either way,Windows has been customisable for years and hopefully this will continue to be the case.
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Having used Win 8 DP, CP, and RP i must say im looking forward to it. I always hated XP and was staying on the 2000 platform for as long as i could before going to Vista. Now vista wasnt to good to begin with but shaped up after SP1.

Seen countless videos on youtube bashing win8 for not being user friendly, for being too hard to learn. Someones granddad had a bash at it to cause he couldnt figure it out. Too me these are close minded people. If you dont like it thats fine but done accuse the OS of being complicated when its clearly an issue of the second braincell failing to spark. I found it easy to use and im not exactly "bright" myself.
Seen countless videos on youtube bashing win8 for not being user friendly, for being too hard to learn. Someones granddad had a bash at it to cause he couldnt figure it out. Too me these are close minded people. If you dont like it thats fine but done accuse the OS of being complicated when its clearly an issue of the second braincell failing to spark. I found it easy to use and im not exactly "bright" myself.

There seems to be a lot of nice behind the scenes touches with Windows 8, over Windows 7, which seems to be lost by everyone concentrating on the UI changes.

Coming from someone who has warmed to Windows 8 after using all 3 previews and even the Windows 8 RTM trial,however,I think what you mentioned in bold is weird.

For instance someone might prefer OS X or a particular Linux desktop manager over Windows 8 or even Windows 7. Why are they not allowed to like it?? I have no right to tell them they HAVE to like it otherwise they are close minded or dumb or too old. Close minded means to be intolerant.

Different people think differently,different people do things in different ways and different people prefer different things. Hence,something I might consider wonderful,might be considered utter crap by another person.
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Coming from someone who has warmed to Windows 8 after using all 3 previews and even the Windows 8 RTM trial,I think what you mentioned in bold is weird.

For instance someone might prefer OS X or a particular Linux desktop manager over Windows 8 or even Windows 7. Why are they not allowed to like it?? I have no right to tell them they HAVE to like it otherwise they are close minded and dumb or too old. Close minded means to be intolerant.

Different people think differently,different people do things in different ways and different people prefer different things. Hence,something I might consider wonderful,might be considered utter crap by another person.

Read what he's written, it may help. What he's said isn't about if people like it or not.
Someones granddad had a bash at it to cause he couldnt figure it out. Too me these are close minded people. If you dont like it thats fine but done accuse the OS of being complicated when its clearly an issue of the second braincell failing to spark. I found it easy to use and im not exactly "bright" myself.

Read what he's written, it may help. What he's said isn't about if people like it or not.

Read what he's written, it may help.

Its about calling people who don't like Windows 8 close minded,dumb or old.

That is intolerant and is indicative of people who want the world to be 100% in agreement with how they see it.

I actually like Windows 8 but I don't feel the need to say such things about people who like other OSes or find them easier to use. Different people like different things - there is no need to denigrate them.
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Someones granddad had a bash at it to cause he couldnt figure it out. Too me these are close minded people. If you dont like it thats fine but done accuse the OS of being complicated when its clearly an issue of the second braincell failing to spark. I found it easy to use and im not exactly "bright" myself.

You fail hard

It's not about calling people who don't like it close minded, it's about calling people closed minded who say it is hard to use. Massive differnce.

So if someone said that they found OS X(for example) easier to use than Windows 8,are they close minded in YOUR opinion??

So basically they need to agree with your assessment of Windows 8 otherwise they are close minded?? So what does that make YOU then??

Intolerant. Close minded. You fail hard.
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So if someone said that found OS X easier to use than Windows 8,are they close minded in YOUR opinion??

So basically they need to agree with your assessment of Windows 8 otherwise they are close minded?? So what does that make YOU then??

Intolerant. You fail hard.

What assument?
I didn't say anything, just pointed out you were very much wrong.
He also didn't compare how hard it is to respective OS either, so that's a non point anyway.

So basically stop making up BS.
Its about calling people who don't like Windows 8 close minded,dumb or old.

To be blunt, that's 100% accurate, old people will have trouble with it just like old people did going from 3.11 to 95, dumb people will have trouble because their dumb, and the people who Moan about Metro and use Start8 are closed minded, everyone else should love Windows 8.

The Start8 users are in the same camp as the people who bought 7 then immediately shrank the taskbar, set the icons to all show labels and never combine then avoided using library's like the plague or the people who bought XP and immediately applied the windows classic theme.

Change seems to scare people, in some cases so much so they can actually delude themselves into thinking that the status quo is better. Having used Windows 8 since RTM hit Technet im now in the zone where I find it frustrating having to use my 7 workstation and Vista laptop in work due to their older GUI's making things more complicated lol.
I like Windows 8. It takes a while to get used to it but it works really well when you have it all set up how you like.

I had no intention of upgrading but after playing with the pre-release for a few days I will be taking the plunge.
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