Windows 8 - the Features, Applications and News Thread

Looks interesting, might have to try it again

on the last release preview i had mouse lockups every so often power cycle needed. it was a microsoft mouse!
im more of a keyboard shortcut man myself and i can see Windows 8 being cool for shortcuting.

like WIN+1 for photo one etc. if they are doing that of course
Will try this latest version but if its nonsense as the past ones then Im going to be staying with windows 7 for a long time. Got a funny feeling windows 8 is going to the next me or vista
I wonder how Microsoft is going to try and prevent piracy this time. With XP lack of an authorised locked the computer up completely whereas Vista could easily manage a (cough cough). key and run fine. By now Microsoft ought to be able to stop and stop pirate versions and if the price as around £30 it might mean people buy it rather than download copies of dubious origin.
Liking RTM so far :). Will wait for it to be released on Technet before moving my main system over but so far I can't see any differences from the RC version apart from the fish has gone
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