Windows Boot Timer Benchmarks

From powering on to being in Windows with a usable desktop it's 55 seconds here. Quite a chunk of that time is the BIOS hanging around and detecting all my HDs though. I'm sure if I had less drives or just measured from the moment Windows starts to load it'd be a lot less.
I would say about 25-30seconds. It used to be really quick but got a lot slower. A reformat might be in order.. when I can be bothered.
used to be 1minute 35secs till last W7 security update, dont have a clue what was in it but im booting in around 25-30 secs. Shut down is instant.
Post your boot times


OS: Win7 Home Premium (stock)
CPU: Core i7 920 (stock)
Ram: 8gig (stock)
Disk Drive: 128gig Samsung P800 SSD Firmware VBM24D1Q
Build type: Laptop - Dell Studio XPS16
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Mine was around 27s with my password having to be entered, but I removed it to see what difference it would make (and how slow I am at typing...):


I am pleased - especially considering that the SSD is 3/4 full, and the install is a couple of months old.

Running Windows 7 64 bit, a Kingston 128GB SSD, 4GB RAM, a 955 BE (both at stock clocks).
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Win 7 64bit
80gb Intel x25m SSD
AMD Phenom II X3 720 BE
8gb DDR 2

All I need to do now is figure out why windows defender keeps rearing its ugly face at boot up since I reinstalled a few days ago.
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