Windows XP SP3

remote desktop connection seams to be the only new feature that i've seen. only installed a few whours ago, so time will tell.
Is Sp3 mainly just a load of security updates bundled into one download?
Got offered this earlier. Installed it but don't notice any changes. I had a quick read of the major changes though most I didn't think would affect me or I didn't understand (So, indirectly, probably wont affect me!)... Explains why it still all looks the same :D
they've changed the icon as i've never noticed it before

Don't think so. :/ Seems the same to me.

If people are using it, the UXTheme.dll thingy has been updated to version 6 and now supports SP3. :)

Which is good as I was using it, updated to SP3 and it went to windows classic from my theme. Then I found UX6 and fixed it all. :)

Haven't noticed anything different though, but I am only using my system for watching videos at the minute.

turned the laptop on earlier and had the yellow update icon in the system tray which stayed at 0% then disappeared, so went onto windows update and said sp3 was available for download. it got to around 25% I'd say the box vanished then another download box came up and it stayed at 0% again. :(

Ah well see what happens in the morning.
Just noticed that it does error reporting in a different way, saves all the error reports to send at once instead of after each crash. (At least I think it's SP3 which has done this)

edit: <-- whoo hoo - avatar :)
Is the SP3 that is now available the same as the SP3 that was realeased earlier and then pulled? Or have they changed anything at all?

It's just that I've already made a slip-streamed Windows disc with the 'older' SP3 and don't want to have to make a new one if I can help it. However, I do want the most up-to-date version.
They seemed to have changed the Wireless portion somehow, i just installed a machine and windows wireless wouldnt do WPA, so i used the software wit hthe dlin kcard and worked fine, then updated to SP3, it broke the D-link software but now windows supports WPA and works fine.
ethics, wpa has worked perfectly for me for ages with sp2

could well have been a dodgy driver :)

I dont think this was an SP2 disk though i nick... borrowed it from work

I must confess my wireless knowledge is seriously pants, i've got a few e-books (including war driving :D) i need to read to top up my knowledge
My laptop has become incredibly unstable with SP3, but that was the 'other' official release. At first it was absolutely fine.

I'm going to slipstream this new version tonight and, hopefully, everything will go back to normal.
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