** (Winners Announced) Corsair Vengeance 2000 Wireless 7.1 Professional Gaming Headset**

1) Being able to listen to music downstairs when the parents have a go because I didn't respond to something because I was already wearing headphones.

2) I will tell you my favourite aspect about them once I'm given a chance with this pair =], if you would so permit
1) You could have an affair with your MMO friends wife, with use of clever macros, /follow and a 40ft wireless headset, he'd never have a reason to think you were elsewhere...


Hardcore Sniping. Mount a scope on your mouse and play from 40m away!

2) Have you seen them!? Feel like I should be flying a gunship, calling everyone else a "Bogey" and ending all my sentences with "Roger". That and the quality/noise cancellation. If they live up to that, I don't have to deal with my housemate's ridiculous volume of "Skrillex"... We know you have good bass friend, but I don't want to hear Skrillex 24/7!!
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1) I conference call friends on skype before games, with the wireless I would be able to go grab a drink without missing any of the conversation

2) Corsair headsets look classy
1) Between wipes on bosses I could still converse and tell the other 19 people in my raid what they're doing wrong while taking a sly break ("Almost ready guys, I'm currently.....errrrr, not peeing.").

2) OUTSTANDING sound and build quality, why settle for the less than the best!
1 - So i can go for a lie down while listening to my friends on Teamspeak, with out the fear of falling asleep and choking my self :)

2 - Variety for all different aspects of gaming, casual, hardcore ect...
1. i can chat to friends while im away from the computer making food :D

2. they look very futuristic and comfy
1. I can stay on comms while taking a bio break.

2. I like the fact they come with some decent ear pads than dont make you sweat.
1) Mark out a 40m radius circle around my computer, and generally hang out being awesome within this space.

2) Quality, cant go wrong with corsair :)
1. So i can do a naked dance in my garden to the sun god Ra, whilst drowning out the jelous neighbours with some crazy beats :p

2. It's Corsair need more be said??
1) Be able to listen to the ramblings of clan members from all over the house.

2) they look like they should be in an F1 pit crew.
1). Freaking my mate out a few doors down by hiding in the bush by his front window, chatting to him on teamspeak then jumping out at him when he goes to the window to see whats going on :D.

Also not having to take the headset off when nature calls and missing something funny on comms.

2). They're stylish, well built and due to thier range would be awesome for the odd pranks :)
1. I won't have to remove the headphones while I do my victory dance throughout the whole house after every victorious match. It gets tiring after a while.

2. Corsair are well known for their high quality products and their attention to detail. I love the styling on their headsets, from the tough but clean silver and black structure to the subtle blue accents. I just love it.
1. Barking commands to team mates on VOIP while I participate in "1 or 2" activities

2. They look very comfortable and would be ideal for my long ArmA 2 sessions.
1) Tell us your most interesting use for the 40 metre Wireless feature of the Vengeance 2000 headset?

I can make trips to the toilet or the kitchen knowing that the game I am playing has not started aka still in loading screen while still listening to beats clearly~

2) What is your favourite thing about the Corsair Vengeance range of headsets?

The style, the sturdy construction, the comfortable ear cup... What more needs to be said? Everything beside the price tag!
1) I can go anywhere in my house and not have to hear the wife nagging about how much money has been spent on my recent PC upgrade!

2) The Corsair Vengeance 2000 headset looks stunning and with the Corsair name, you know your getting a quality product!
1) Tell us your most interesting use for the 40 metre Wireless feature of the Vengeance 2000 headset?

Can't think of anything better than listening to melodic drum and bass while on the toilet. :p

2) What is your favourite thing about the Corsair Vengeance range of headsets?

Corsair in general, everything they make is if the highest of quality and I have no doubt their range of headsets are legen.........wait for it....dary!!!!11!
1) Not missing out on hilarious moments on Vent/Mumble/TS with guildmates just because I needed a sandwich or nature called and I had to answer (not that that would be weird or anything...).

2) If they are anything like regular Corsair products they will no doubt be of superb quality. The stylish design and comfortable looking cups can only make this better.
1. I'd be able to use them for quickly running to the bar and making sure my cue points are still working whilst I'm DJing. Would be nice for proud2 on monday :D

2. The look of them. Simplistic whilst looking sick :)
1) Can stop worrying about whether those cables look messy or not :D
2) The looks, pure quality oozes!
1. My dog likes to attack my neighbours cat, making a mad dash to my garden whilst wearing headphones often results in a whiplash type effect.

2. Owning products called "corsair" makes me feel like a pirate. I could even put one of the earphones over my eye for a eye patch effect.

If you care about the welfare of my neighbours cat, pick me!
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