** (Winners Announced) Corsair Vengeance 2000 Wireless 7.1 Professional Gaming Headset**

1. So I can continue to listen to some sick and dirty Drum & Bass while doing man stuff like shaving and cutting the grass.

2. I have a Corsair Power Supply and we all know how much Power Supply's love Drum & Bass.
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1) So I can tell if I have taken a knife to the back on BF3 while siting on the toilet or making myself a sandwich.

2) They are made by Corsair, they must be quality.
1) So i can go next door mid game and slap my mate across the back of the head, knowing he can't chase me down due to the constraints of his wired headset (insert mocking laughter)

2) Corsiar and a boat logo......PIRATES...but they are the Jack Sparrow sort of pirates....minus the effeminate prancing...though i wouldn't have a problem with that if they want to, whatever floats your boat I say.....see what I did there! :P
1) I would wear these everywhere, even in school, on the loo, I am listening to my clan mates
2) The quality
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1: I could game for hours without fear of been strangled by the headphone cord when the other half realises I’m not taking her shopping.

2: Built for comfort to protect me from the ear bashing that is about to follow.
1. my mates can here me on teamspeak when i go to the toilet. (weve all done it, dont deny it)

2. corsair's build quality is excelelnt compared to my logitech g930's that broke in a week
1) Pretend to actually care/can hear neighbours talking when I have them on outside.

2) They look awesome. And demand to be worn at all times! Outside too ofc ;)
1) Go do some man chores, but still staying in touch with the gamers

2) The bloody flippin' good warranty service, the send back to Corsair notice you get with their products lol
1) Running into the bathroom mid gaming session to stop my cats from doing their business in the bath!

2) The comfort levels offered, I find with most headsets that my ears tend to ache after about half an hour of use.
1. So I can listen to my playlists around the house without having to sit at the desktop in the living room when the girlfriend is watching her soaps..

2. Corsair stuff I've had in the past has been bullet proof. Never had any of their headsets though so would love to try. Looks quality, cool and comfortable also.
1) Listen to music or participate in voice comms (or even both!) whilst mowing the lawn (takes 2 hours every week :()

2) They're the best headsets i've ever tried in my life, including turtle beach and Logitech G30's. Nice corsair warranty to back them up too :eek:
1) To do a backflip whenever I get an awesome kill in bf3/when I take people's tags :D

2) They're made by corsair, what more could you want?? plus it'll add to my corsair collection of my ram and new ssd :D also these look sexy as ****!
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1)face my screen out my front room window, sit in a deck chair basking in the glourius sun whilst gaming on a wifi keyboard mouse and headset :P

2) very sleek looking, and also by the look of it they wont hurt my ears unlike the beats i had
1) I wont twirl on my chair and pull the jack out waking everyone up in the house when the speakers kick in.

2) They look very sturdy which is something I require as I seem to break headphones rather quickly.
1) the 40m range on these great headphones means I can wander anywhere in my house and garden and not have to put up with the racket my neighbours I'll-disciplined kids produce every waking hour. The crystal clear sound quality and stonking volume means even they can be drowned out.

2) Corsair quality means they look great and will last years. What's not to like.
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