Winter 2020/2021

Where do we get one of those rodents they use in the US to officially end winter?

A few weeks ago I was working in the garden in shorts and t-shirt feeling a bit too hot, now I'm when I'm out there in jeans and a hoody I'm still cold.

In the absence of a groundhog can we use a badger or something? If you see one that's not roadkill then has summer arrived?
Not exactly unsurprising but looks like the temperature gradient is upwards through May with the odd dip here and there.
The weather today has been completely crazy.
I’m sitting outside with the sun shining on me feeling great and warm but I can see my breath when I breathe, like it’s cold. Then at multi random points today the sky blasts hail down for 10-15 minutes.
So far this month we have had it all, rain, sleet, snow, hail, wind and still having frosts. The whole of last month we had 21.4mm of rain and now, just 6 days into May we have already had 31.7mm. April was abnormally dry though. It's been the coldest winter here since 2016.
I love snow, especially when it's really heavy and covers everything... But what I don't like is endless cold winds, intermixed with cloud and rain! One of the worst years I can remember
It's not been too cold, it's just these damn showers. One minute it's clear and bright, the black clouds come over, it chucks it down and clears up again. Had to pack my tools away so many times this weekend.
Looks like proper May weather might return in time for the Bank Hol weekend, but after the carp so far this month including this stormy weekend, I'm not counting submersible chickens.
So pic is from 2020 top quarter of garden last year at this time, almost scorched tbh, my twisty tree behind greenhouse is still bare, Havnt seen this much rain in a long time, following the long long frosts

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We usually have a mini heatwave around this time of year but right now it's 8.3 degrees C and raining, again!! I will dig out my weather station records at the end of the month but I reckon this is going to be the wettest May for some time. We are already at 107mm. Last month we had just 15.7mm for the whole month. We never usually have the heating still on at this time of the year so it's much cooler too.
I almost turned the heating on in the early hours - just couldn't get warm but didn't quite warrant it. Weather has been wild here the last few days.
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