Winter 2023/24 - It's FREEZING!

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I hadn't even noticed the dates on the threads, makes sense to have a fresh one then.

I've got to say though, my comment was tongue in cheek, no need to take it so seriously! :p
I've enjoyed this summer, after the very hot start, it's been not too hot nor too cold, just right temperatures but maybe a tad bit too much rain.

Been pretty meh for me. Although meh weather in the UK isn’t something to complain about. Not mostly grey is a gift.
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Before we start talking about winter, what happened to summer.

That was yesterday... Tis now Autumn from today

Kind of wishing for the same thing really. Been ages since we had a real freeze.

Only thing that bothers me about it is the gas bills

Turn your heating down and put a jumper on then.
I don't know if I'm allowed to play this game ( :mad: ) but on the way back from eldest daughter's basketball tournament this evening, car read a rather balmy 14 degrees. First day/evening of spring!
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This weekend I'm installing all new radiators to prepare for this winter. I'm expecting it's going to be a cold one!

I just had storage heaters replaced, 1960's to 2022/23 model lol Lets see how this goes for winter IF it's a bad one
You know it's winter when the Daily Express churns out front pages of tripe, saying how we're all in for the longest and darkest winter ever - only for us to see a few flakes and tinkle it down.
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