The Picanto tank!
The Picanto tank!
It ended up getting within ~5cm of the floor of the garage.Currently a bit of squeeky bum, i'm not sure if the garage is going to get flooded tonight as the water is rather high.
I've lifted everything I could off the floor and onto the workbenches, workmate and some very hastily set up ladder platforms.
It would need the water to hit at least another 30cm from where it is at the moment to really do any damage, as that's the point it starts to affect more than the casters and feet of the workbenches.
It ended up getting within ~5cm of the floor of the garage.
That's the highest it's been in something like 35 years, and I'm very glad I put a measure in the garden years ago with reflectors so I could see the level in relation to the height of the garage, as if I shine a torch down to it I can see at a glance how bad it is and when they start to get covered it means:
White is "keep a close eye on it,"
Orange is "make sure the floor is clear"
Red is "it's going to do it", and if I can't see them it's "****" (or my torch is dead).
I suspect the neighbours, council and environment agency would have words if we did
Cold and crisp ,Roo has a good coating of ice but think I will be walking from here today