When the Egyptian staff on holiday got confused and thought my name was Muhammed I got markedly better treatment
Perception of wealth + in-group preference (Muslim).
Yeah "native privilege" may be a better term for it all.
Gonna take a leap and say that anyone of any race going where they are visually, verbally and culturally different from the majority is going to find problems.
Or perhaps something like "majority advantage". though even then, it's framing it in terms of the majority having something unusual when really, supposing the majority in society were racist, it's perhaps better framed as "minority disadvantage".
Though in a racist society are all races/ethnicities discriminated against to the same extent? Doubt it... So it might be better framed still as various [specific minorty] disadvantages, and variable between different societies.
It certainly doesn't seem to be some universal phenomenon that always favours white people.
The other issue, again touching on the idea that different minority groups might be treated differently in general too, is the level of in group preference... in the US, for example, there isn't much, if at all, in-group preference from white people towards other white people, so any majority advantage or minority disadvantage favouring white people isn't necessarily a thing (broadly), there is plenty of in-group preference within some minority groups though. If you have a significant in-group preference within a powerful minority group then that could well confer some advantage/privilege, especially if there is a lack of it in the majoirty...
The other aspect is the far lazier claims, sometimes "white privilege" is conflated with arbitrary things like simply wealth or class privilege etc.. other times it might be a reference to outcomes - this again is flawed - taking America as an example again, if white Americans are privileged based on some outcomes re: income, education etc.. then there is a similar argument to be made for Asian American, Indian American, Nigerian American and Jewish American privilege, which apparently has an even greater effect than white privilege.