Wolfenstien The Old Blood

Did anyone else have issues with sound matching animation during the cut scenes? Something I suffered with the first one too. Used to have to pause it and let it catch up.
Game is okay, other than the naff weapon sounds, it's just more of the same like New Order.

Surely you didn’t expect anything other than more of the same? Every single piece of publicity prior to me buying suggested it was simply more of the same.
Just completed it. Enjoyable overall, think the first one was better though. The game went downhill when they brought the zombies into it though imo.

The last monster battle was too easy as well.
Anyone else have a problem with achievements not unlocking?

Done everything apart from the challenge maps, but for some reason its not popping despite getting gold. Its a shame as it would have been an easy 100% completion game :(.
Just beaten this, thoughts below:

+Vastly improved performance over New Blood, runs at a steady 60fps most of the time with a couple of slow downs during combat in the old town to around 45fps. Given I'm using higher settings than New Order I'd say it performs at least 100% better.
+More of the same which is a good thing - much better than the older Wolf games like RTCW and Wolfenstein
+Zombies are good as not too creepy, retains the fun vibe from NO
+Nice easter eggs

-Ends a bit abruptly, I was expecting something after the boss fight (which felt a bit 'random' to be honest, like they'd just chucked a bizarre monster in because they couldn't think of anything else to do). The percentage on the loading screen is obviously based on 100% completion or something rather than how far you are through the main story. Part 2 of the game is at best half the length of Part 1. Probably took about 6hrs to beat (game timer said about 5hrs but I think it resets on checkpoint reload?)
-Story and characterisation not as strong as New Blood, arguably Helga is introduced too late in the game so you don't really build up any feelings towards her (unlike say Deathshed or indeed some of the other main baddies in NO). Likewise Pippa feels underused
-Not as much variety in locations and playstyles as New Order although still pretty good for a FPS
-Escape at the start is a bit annoying, the electro gates feel a bit contrived as a way of forcing you to drop your heavy weapon

Overall it is passable but aside from the performance issues, New Order is a much better game in almost every way so I would recommend that for anyone considering this game who has not played NO.
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