Wolfenstien The Old Blood

I love the New Order and it's refreshing to see a games company announce a title a couple of months before it's release. Assuming it has a reasonable sized campaign I think the price point is spot on and I'll get it day one.
Wolfenstein: The New Order is nothing to write home about. Return to Castle Wolfenstein was substantially more atmospheric. The former is simply too generic for my liking.
Just had a little cry to myself.

Last night I was looking around on Steam at midnight and then today couldn't find it which I thought was strange.

To only realise I skim read the May for March :D
brought back some memories that!
If it's single player - i'm not interested.
If its multi-player - TAKE MY DARN MONIES ALREADY!!!

/tram for teh win
The last one was awesome, and is one of the few games I wanted to finish. Hoping this one is just as good!!!
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