Woman refused bus travel at 3am for being 20p short on bus fare is raped... What would you have done

26 Jun 2010
jobs worth driver!!!

why should he care about 20p its not like its his profit or anything, years and years ago when I worked in a large home retail chain, I didn't care if the odd thing didn't get scanned or paid for its not my money

The driver is responsible for the cash...any shortfall comes out of his pocket, not the companies.
18 Oct 2002
Surely the bigger issue here that people aren't seeing is that she was being charged FIVE POUNDS for a one way bus ticket. FIVE POUNDS what the hell !? No wonder no one uses public transport outside of London.

That aside, I have a few views on it.

1 - She should have the correct fare. Why should anyone else, bus company and driver included, sort her out with 20p. I bet she bought drinks when she was out that night.... I'd imagine she'd caught that bus a few times in the past, and had a feeling for how fleeced she'd get.

2 - I don't get the hate for the bus driver who was just doing his job, and would probably get done for theft of the 20p or expected to pay it himself if she didn't pay the full fare. The company is there to make money, not offer a charity lift service to the drunk at 3am.

3 - Its a horrendous situation that the lack of 20p 'resulted' in her rape. But its also pretty comical to suggest that her rape was caused by the bus company or the driver, it was, to the smallest degree possible, caused by the fact she didn't get on that bus, yes, but it was also caused because some total scumbag decided 'GAME ON' when he saw her.
3 Aug 2010
The thought of "small things can have an effect" actually is how I generally try and live. If someone needs something or I can do a small favour to ANYONE for nothing other than a moments attention or for relatively small effort (depends on the circumstances) I'll always do it.

It almost never costs anything and even in this case I'd hope most people would equate 20p to being pretty much nothing and I know I'm a better person from it.

Unsure if it's related but I can ALMOST count on my luck in any given circumstance as a result. I'm genuinely rather "lucky". I'd like to think it's karma and as a result of keeping mine high the universe looks after me in return :)

Last weekend I paid to park in a pay and display car park but I only had a £2 coin which was 4 hours of parking when I only wanted 1. So when I got back to car, I gave my ticket to the woman who wanted my space and the look of shock and gratitude on her face was incredible, I do it all the time without even thinking about it, I've paid for the ticket whether I go home with it or pass it on so I figure I might as well save someone else a couple of pennies.

Another time I was queueing for some toilets, the woman behind me had a little girl who was whining that she was bursting, so I let them go in front of me.

You're right, tiny acts of kindness which cost next to nothing in time or money are things I try to do. I don't believe in karma but I do believe in kindness.
21 Mar 2005
Surely the bigger issue here that people aren't seeing is that she was being charged FIVE POUNDS for a one way bus ticket. FIVE POUNDS what the hell !? No wonder no one uses public transport outside of London.
That really is the bigger issue here!? :eek:
6 May 2009
90% of bus drivers are jobsworths and absolute idiots

If I was the driver I would have let her on, I would have also lent her the 20p if I was on the bus.

I got a tram in Nottingham recently after a stag do and didnt have any cash, only card. I was asked to get off at the next stop which would have meant me missing the train. A guy overheard and gave me £1.90. I thanked him and said if I ever met him again would give him his money back and buy him a pint. What a legend. He got off at Lace Market

Shows there are some good people around. Its just a pity this girl was not lent the money
8 Jan 2004
Let's say it's against the bus company's policy to accept any passenger who doesn't have the full fare. Let's say the driver lets her on anyway, gets caught and gets sacked for gross negligence. He ends up on benefits in David cameron's Britain with no reference from his previous employer to help him find more work. How much sympathy does anyone on these forums have for him at that point?

Having said that, the passengers should have given her the money as soon as they realised the driver really wasn't letting her on.
25 Jan 2008
Peterboro, Distro:Ubuntu
You can give your name and address for payment later, same as at a toll booth.

Scumbag driver 100%

The driver is supposed to be a professional driver, that means he has a duty of care to anyone that gets on his omnibus.

And shame on the passengers for not chipping in 20p as well. They must've heard her pleas or wondered what the delay was.
7 Nov 2009
You can give your name and address for payment later, same as at a toll booth.

Scumbag driver 100%

The driver is supposed to be a professional driver, that means he has a duty of care to anyone that gets on his omnibus.

And shame on the passengers for not chipping in 20p as well. They must've heard her pleas or wondered what the delay was.

She didn't get on the bus though as she didn't have the correct fare. The bus driver did nothing wrong.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
You can give your name and address for payment later, same as at a toll booth.


Some operators not all. You be best looking at the "ignored training" article that is just a PR BS exercise. They have no procedure and the only thing it says is sometimes bus drivers pay out of their own pocket.
It also does not say he was disciplined.
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
It's 20p!

a) give her the money

b) if nobody has the money, let her on 20p short

I would do this as I'm not a total nob-cheese.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
well well well,

"Bus driver 'did not follow training' over rape case"


I knew it.

Edit -

Old news sorry, just got in from work.

You knew what, it doesn't say anything of the sort, it's just PR.
What training did he ignore? What's their procedure? What was he disciplined for? Was he even disciplined?
Read it it doesn't actually say anything, other than two things.

Went through the disciplinary procedure, doesn't say he was disciplined or found guilty.
The only procedure they talk about is sometimes out the kindness of their heart, the driver pays for the fare out of his own pocket.
7 Nov 2009
So how did she talk to him ?

Shout from the street ? The driver is in a fully enclosed "co-ckpit". He wouldn't even hear her from the footpath

You know what I meant. She had no right to remain on the bus after not being able to pay her fare, so the driver had no "duty of care". According to your logic, anyone could just get on the bus and sit down without paying because the driver has a duty of care. :rolleyes:
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
You know what I meant. She had no right to remain on the bus after not being able to pay her fare, so the driver had no "duty of care". According to your logic, anyone could just get on the bus and sit down without paying because the driver has a duty of care. :rolleyes:

Hmmmm it's not impossible to construct a duty of care in this type of scenario (obviously will all depend on the facts). For example, if she had explicitly said there was a strange man staring at her and she was frightened, as well as clearly being very drunk, I think you could put forward a pretty convincing case for establishing a duty.

On the facts, there probably wasn't one, but still. Reminds me of the old example my law professor used in class about a very drunk man collapsing outside of a taxi and lying on the road - there probably is a duty if you know somebody is in likely and serious danger.
14 Sep 2011
Driver was well out of order. I know he cant be letting every drunk that tries to get on without the right fare but he should have used common sense. You dont leave a 22yo woman alone at 3 in the morning in the street over 20p from a £5 ticket.

No doubt he feels terrible but she will never ever get fully over what happened to her.
26 Jun 2010
You can give your name and address for payment later, same as at a toll booth.

That depends entirely on the companies internal policies, and many companies who do have such policies usually limit them to vulnerable groups such as children, elderly and infirm people...not fully grown adults with no discernable vulnerability....Otherwise no-one should pay the required fare if they though the company and by association the driver had to let them on anyway.

Scumbag driver 100%


The driver is supposed to be a professional driver, that means he has a duty of care to anyone that gets on his omnibus.

That would be the case if she was raped on the bus and he did nothing....he has no duty of care to someone after or before they are a passenger. Once someone has safely left the bus the driver (in fact the company which the driver is a legal servant of) has no legal duty of care to that person, therefore he cannot be held to account for any subsequent actions such as the woman being raped.

If she had specifically told him she was in danger or needed assistance because of some specific danger then maybe, but that would only entail calling the Police to deal with the situation.

And Omnibus, that is a bit archaic and unless the bus was being drawn by a team of horses the wrong terminology.
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27 Jan 2011
Very easy to say in hindsight that we'd all give the 20p. I have given people money if they're short before and would in the future. Would probably have done so in this case if I were near the front especially if it's an 8 minute conversation, but we don't know how drunk she was, confrontational etc. I've also sat there and ignored what was happening if it's someone acting like a **** and waited until they've been chucked off/not allowed on.
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