Women and over powering purfume..

This 'unable to smell' thing is a little strange, though. :eek:
My names Knip and im anosmic! :D
(but thats another thread, been checked out properly by ENT doctors, and its just unfortunately one of those things)
If perfume must be worn i like it subtle, except with strippers, they should, and do, use loads.

I've had the same bottle of after shave since 1993.
This affect taste too ?

Yup, most food tastes like pieces of erm "stuff." I go by texture, I could tell you the difference between chicken and lets say beef, but I couldnt tell you what it tastes of. Also if you blended up any sort of vegetable I couldnt tell you what it was by tasting it.
Tis a bit pants really but theres nothing that can be done.
My mum and sister are terrible for this :( Walking through the hallway whilst those two are just about to go out is like walking through inner-city smog clouds.
Yup, most food tastes like pieces of erm "stuff." I go by texture, I could tell you the difference between chicken and lets say beef, but I couldnt tell you what it tastes of. Also if you blended up any sort of vegetable I couldnt tell you what it was by tasting it.
Tis a bit pants really but theres nothing that can be done.
Oh I feel so sorry for you :(.

Good food is one of lifes pleasures.
Two people at my work does.

Both of them smell like a fat ugly prostitute. Due to them both smelling so bad, they have actually stained the room with their smell so even though they are not in the office, it absolutley wreaks!!
It's mostly fatties that splash it on like it's going out of fashion.

I find it is usually young tart like women with 6" heels and bad fake tan. Trouble is I have a very, very good sense of smell and it just kills me.

I don't mind the subtle scent of a good perfume but seeing as I am a aberrant and don't follow the normal rules I also find the musky (not the real BO style sweat) women exciting especially if they have been horse riding. Mmmmmm musky women smelling of horse flesh...
I find it's either young girls or old women who tend to put too much on. Young girls I suppose because they're possibly inexperienced in the art of male seduction :p and older women because their sense of smell is probably going.

I only really like a tiny bit myself. Saying that, I put a fair bit of aftershave on myself when going out, but yet to hear any complaints.
Yup, most food tastes like pieces of erm "stuff." I go by texture, I could tell you the difference between chicken and lets say beef, but I couldnt tell you what it tastes of. Also if you blended up any sort of vegetable I couldnt tell you what it was by tasting it.
Tis a bit pants really but theres nothing that can be done.


Well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and all that....

At least you could smile in the knowledge that you couldn't taste rubbish like McDonalds.
I can't stand strong perfume, it makes me feel sick. I was put off ever using too much perfume as a kid when I sat next to a women at the ballet with so much on I could barely breathe. The only perfume I've ever found that I liked is very light, so it's not overly noticable anyway.
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