Looks to be fairly centred going by the sunlight graph for London anyhow ( https://www.worlddata.info/europe/united-kingdom/sunset.php ).
You can see the sunlight is from 8 til 4 (at its shortest) during GMT, so as a society we decided 9 to 5 was best because lolreasons but because in summer that would mean loads of sun in the morning before work and not much after, in the summer we move the clocks so we can still get 4 hours of sun after work.... which we'd get anyway if everything was based on an 8-4 day instead of 9-5
When we're GMT, midday is literally the middle of the day in terms of sunlight, so quite why we all decided to do everything later so the 'middle' of the living day where people get up 6am and go to bed at 10pm is more like 2pm is just silly really
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