Woolwich serious incident

What matters is the freedom of the individuals to choose.

Do you think a child born into a Muslim family has the free will to choose?

If you think that you've not been paying attention to the media. Girls who try to escape it face exile from their family who then never want to speak to them again, honour killings occur if you don't agree to arranged marriages.

Great religion there, preaching tolerance and free will.
Do you think a child born into a Muslim family has the free will to choose?

If you think that you've not been paying attention to the media. Girls who try to escape it face exile from their family who then never want to speak to them again, honour killings occur if you don't agree to arranged marriages.

Great religion there, preaching tolerance and free will.

The same is relevant for all faiths.
Do you think a child born into a Muslim family has the free will to choose?

If you think that you've not been paying attention to the media. Girls who try to escape it face exile from their family who then never want to speak to them again, honour killings occur if you don't agree to arranged marriages.

Great religion there, preaching tolerance and free will.

Thats a big issue.

We can protect/Help someone escape an arranged marriage but in doing so we anger the whole family.
He is claiming they are equivalent scenarios when they are not and obfuscating currently known fact to create a parallel that does not exist. He is essentially saying that the reason such events may occur is because of the governmental policy and its subsequent military action. Therefore, he is justifying and qualifying the causation whilst at the same time castigating the actual act.

I just want to know when the Muslim community is going to actively do something about certain elements that belong in that community and why people can spend so much time here castigating the actions of the imperialist Western powers and so little keeping their own shop in order. Smacks of doublespeak to me.

This just shows how little you know. You call for the muslims to do something (which they do), yet you dismiss the main causes of why this is happening, as long as you ignore the core causes nothing will change and hasn't changed as a result.
The same is relevant for all faiths.

Yeah but other faiths don't make woman wear burkas, let dudes marry multiple wives (unless Mormonism lols) and other religions are not ones going around beheading people in the name of Allah.

Also honour killings, acid attacks, public stoning etc don't occur in other religions either. At least not in this modern day and age.

And they don't have Sharia law which is the most backwards thing I've ever heard of.
Do you think a child born into a Muslim family has the free will to choose?

If you think that you've not been paying attention to the media. Girls who try to escape it face exile from their family who then never want to speak to them again, honour killings occur if you don't agree to arranged marriages.

Great religion there, preaching tolerance and free will.

Do you have ANY idea how the media works?
Yeah but other faiths don't make woman wear burkas, let dudes marry multiple wives (unless Mormonism lols) and other religions are not ones going around beheading people in the name of Allah.

Also honour killings, acid attacks, public stoning etc don't occur in other religions either. At least not in this modern day and age.

And they don't have Sharia law which is the most backwards thing I've ever heard of.

You spelt Burqa wrong.

I think you'll find that the KKK went around lynching people, the Crusades happened because of Christianity. All Religions have small sects of religious extremism.

Al Qaeda is to Islam what KKK is to Christianity.

Also, You know Sharia law doesn't 'force' women in to arranged marriages don't you?
If you do it'll probably remind me of game of thrones, where sansa stark puts on a face being loyal to king Joffrey despite the fact he had her father beheaded. She'd tell you i'm loyal to the king but deep beneath the surface of course she isn't.

How the actual **** do you know this? Are you some sort of mind reader? Give over spouting rubbish.
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