Woolwich serious incident

Ok I should have worded it better, I mean the Hate pages created by extreme Muslims to stir up hate in this country, they are worse than EDL imo, The EDL is just a mindless skinhead gange that everyone mocks and jokes about.

They are no worse. Certainly no better, but no worse.

As far as I'm concerned the EDL exists for no reason other than to try to make xenophobia, racism and general hatred of what they see as 'unBritishness' the norm.

Nothing more.
Where did I once state oppression is the answer? oh how badly oppressed they would all be if we forced them to be British. They wouldn't have to wear burkas(which they don't really want to do they are just socially conditioned from children to do so via fear) any more and be forced into arranged marriages. Such a terrible fate I must say.

You make it sound as if I want to start he next Nazi party in the UK equipped with our own fully functional Gestapo to go around and beat all the darkies...

I asked you if foreign nationals coming here should be expected to follow our doctrines, our religions, our societal pastimes and approaches to life at the expense of their own.

You skirted around it but responded with what would be more of a yes than a no.

That is oppression. You are denying them freedom to wear burkhas, to enter into arranged marriages.


LOL. This is what we are dealing with here.
That is oppression. You are denying them freedom to wear burkhas, to enter into arranged marriages.

They don't do it via freedom though do they really Gilly? they do it out of FEAR. You think a woman wants to be treated like a pet and wear a sheet over her head all day? she is conditioned from a young girl to do it, she doesn't wake up one morning and go I know what I'll do... I'll wack on a burka for the rest of my waking life and get married to some guy I've never met before.....really?

That to me embodies oppression at the highest order. Maybe oppressing them to be British actually wouldn't be such a bad thing...because then they'd have ACTUAL freedom.

Islam just is a barbaric religion and needs rid of, I just need to look at all Acid attacks and Pakistan to be reminded of this and the father who killed his own daughter because she was raped.
Sorry they are worse, they "extremists" tell there followers to go and kill all non believers, you dont get that with the EDL.

and Im not a member of the EDL before you ask.

The EDL 'protest' in Dewsbury, that prompted those they were attempting to oppress to try bombing them the next time there was a march organised, was an organised '**** bash'.

To use the words of the EDL district leader.

To my mind that is worse, because it isn't an individual trying to stir up hatred. It's an entire organised gang.
Pakistan for example.

Think they would tolerate a bunch of Brits coming over living in isolated societies preaching Christianity and spreading anti Islam/Pakistani messages?


They don't and didn't apparently using the Pakistan reference but doubt its isolated, although not 'Brits' its a Christian community of around 1000 people, in 2012 this happened in Pakistan - http://au.christiantoday.com/articl...ck-in-retaliation-for-mohammed-film/14140.htm

"They say a mob of up to 1500 threw highly flammable chemical bombs into the St Paul’s church complex in Mardan. They attacked other buildings in the compound, including a school and houses. Witnesses say they burnt religious books, desecrated the altar and urinated on Bibles. The attackers also scrawled ‘Allah is Great’ on the walls of the Lutheran church."
They are no worse. Certainly no better, but no worse.

As far as I'm concerned the EDL exists for no reason other than to try to make xenophobia, racism and general hatred of what they see as 'unBritishness' the norm.

Nothing more.

I asked you if foreign nationals coming here should be expected to follow our doctrines, our religions, our societal pastimes and approaches to life at the expense of their own.

You skirted around it but responded with what would be more of a yes than a no.

That is oppression. You are denying them freedom to wear burkhas, to enter into arranged marriages.

But they are denying their women the equality afforded to them by our culture and legal system. Forced arranged marriages do happen. Women are treated as secondary citizens.

This is unacceptable to us but fine to them.

Who gets to decide what is right? Or who's culture should take precedence over another? Because one must.
Maybe a review/revision of the stipulations on "integration" for foreign people would be a good start. Moreover, if this is the case for people entering the UK then we should follow our own standards and treat ourselves in the same manner - this is where I would suggest that to be fully integrated we must sack all wealthy people and distribute.... infact stuff that, let's just go total fascist retard.... it's the only way to be sure.
Why? because all I'm drawing upon is facts.

You call them facts but haven't once referred to any sources.

If you think a girl wants to walk around and be treated like that, you are the one beyond debating with.

You think a girl doesn't want that. Without asking them all and deciding for them you are oppressing their free will.

Does any human being TRUELLY want to live like that? that is not freedom at all.

Not in your eyes, no.
The EDL 'protest' in Dewsbury, that prompted those they were attempting to oppress to try bombing them the next time there was a march organised, was an organised '**** bash'.

To use the words of the EDL district leader.

To my mind that is worse, because it isn't an individual trying to stir up hatred. It's an entire organised gang.

When the EDL preach killing the infidels and non believers, then I'll agree the EDL is no worse than Islam.
If we change anything then the attackers/terrorists/extremists win. We should use this to bring communitys together not to pull them apart.
We should get closer to the Muslims as they should get closer to us, Integration from grass root level is the only way to beat ignorance & racism.
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