What am I missing?
The correct word.
i can only imagine the issue is because you're assumingOnly two letters are orange. The rest are green. The only option is to swap the position of the orange letters is it not?
i can only imagine the issue is because you're assumingthe letters are not repeated sometimes.
Understood.Apologies, I was using an app on my phone rather than the website. It's different obviously.
Got the website one on the last go.
Have you got the word yet? Given its not the wordle one people on here do, can you post the letters/word?
Wtf kind of word was that?
Ridiculous, can we have dumber words pls, this is far beyond my mental abilities.
Wtf kind of word was that?
Ridiculous, can we have dumber words pls, this is far beyond my mental abilities.
Today I got one letter on the first try and it took me until the fifth to get it in the right place!
Got all of the other letters along the way but took some head scratching but got it on the fifth.