If you had that much money, wouldn't you just invest it in ways that allow the funds to be more readily accessible than a pension would afford? What I mean is, why shove so much into a pension pot that effectively locks in the money until retirement age that you may never reach? Not to mention, if you did reach close to retirement age and needed to draw it out for a specific reason (let's say ill health or family emergency) you'd have to sacrifice a large percentage to get at it?
It's something I worry about as someone that has always topped up the pension pot with voluntary contributions of x% above the employer, for instance.
Personally, I'd set up a standing order for £2.5k into savings / investments and forget about it and live a comfortable lifestyle off the rest. That standing order alone equates to £30k a year or £900k over the 30 years which would cover any sort of retirement plans and more, without the hassle of waiting for x time until you can touch it.
It's easy for us all to say we would "carry on working" but I think the reality is you'd paying more income tax than it would be worth to keep working plus your motivation may not be what it was knowing you didn't
need to be there.
@LeeUK - have you been offered financial support from the lottery? I imagine having to explain £10,000 a month on any potential PAYE for any jobs you undertake may raise questions