World Cup 2010 - Final (Sunday 11th July 2010) **spoilers**

De Jong's tackle really wasn't that bad :shrug: It was just one of those things, it clearly wasn't malicious, just mis-timed and looked a lot worse in the replay than it was - having been on the end of dozens of similar tackles over the years playing Sunday footie as a defender, it really doesn't hurt that much anyway - I'd far rather get a kick in the chest than tackled from behind with the potential knee/ankle injuries from that personally.

Surely some of the footy players here who aren't complete girly-men (if that even exists these days, lol) will back me up on this :p
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I think Webb did the dutch many favours by not sending off 3 to 4 players who deserved to go. should have been a Red for the Mortal Kombat death move on Alonso
The Dutch lost cus they was not good enough, simples..
Watched the game in Magaluf in BCM square it was absolute mental when they won, free beer and Spanish and England all dancing and singing together.
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