World cup Final - Italy v France **SPOILERS**

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that will probably shade his career now :(

which is a shame... it shouldnt... but that was insane really.. zidane must have got some bad words for that sort of reaction.... totally unnaceptable
Clerkin said:
didnt look the itlalian said or did anything either, but even if he did... :eek:
They were chuntering at each other for ages :/

France without Henry, Zidane or Vieira. Hmmm.
zidane is a disgrace, cant believe he would end his career like this, his career will now be remembered by this what an absolute idiot, only had to keep his cool for 10 minutes
lemonkettaz said:
zizou.. what a knob...

why did he do that... i feel sorry for him now, he has disgraced himself so much now :(

this is a horrible shame now....
Guys - what hes done is unexcusable - but knowing Materazzi he probably said something pretty awful to cause such a wild reaction...

Definitely going to penalties now - but both teams dont deserve to win it TBH cos Italy isnt playing well and France due to what Zizou just did...

ps3ud0 :cool:
that really was a headbutt and a half

God knows why he would do it in his last game and with 10 mins to go of the game, especially with the italians being late winners as of late

Such a shame to see a player go out like that but at the same time you cant make excuses for it
mattbrown91 said:
Why would he do it ?

Because that other guy wound him up, no excuse but i think there both as bad as each other. He wouldent have done what he done unless that other guy wound him up something nasty.

Oh well lets hope they dont score otherwise it will all be on zidane
I'm glad they gave Zidane that red card.. if they had missed such a violent attack it would have been knackering!

..Zidane pfft... as said he was playing well. What a let down.
WTF was he thinking... his final game and he does something as disgraceful as that? if it was off the pitch he'd have been arrested and charged!

I'd been singing his praises this game... now that act has just radically changed my opinion of him. I thought he was the calm and level-headed type, and example to others... now I just think he's a thug.

Simply unbelievable.
ps3ud0 said:
Guys - what hes done is unexcusable - but knowing Materazzi he probably said something to cause such a wild reaction...
I'm sure he did. Doesn't matter what he said though.
I think this is going to knock France for 6. I wonder if Italy to force the goal now - France's best players are all in the dugout with the exception of Thuram.
I really really want to know what that **** italy player said to him. It must have been bad for him to react like that, you could see him mutter something as Zidane ran past. It will come out im sure
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