Is it just me or, shouldn't the world cup pretty much go to the most competant bid(as long as its not a total farce) that hasn't held it before.
Its the WORLD CUP, and as such a chance to bring football, big/great teams, and fans from the world over to get involved. The african's seemed incredibly happy to be part of it, and thats much of the point, without it being held there, the general african people wouldn't really have a chance to see those types of games. The world cup SHOULD be global and SHOULDN'T be about being the most profitable, but being as wide reaching and all inclusive as possible. Getting people into cities isn't the idea, transport links, great for uk residents traveling hundreds of miles, and tourists, but shouldn't most of the tickets, quite fairly, end up in the hands of the more local population.
If it were just about, and only about, making money then it would be in the USA, UK or a couple euro countries every 4 years and tickets would be £300 a pop for everyone. I've no problem with people making money, but it should be more about people getting the chance to go to live games around the world.
I think England should get the chance but, not for a good long while yet. If these things only ever go to the best 1st world countries due to the money available, well, these types of events help improve 3rd world countries pretty dramatically.
The question is, when should we have known we weren't really in the running, and when should we have pulled out and stopped throwing money at the bid?