World Cup Hosts 2018

I've not claimed that at all, I bit back when you claimed we were all crap because we had to blame corruption for losing, which isn't true, some people did :)

You can generalise us but we can't make generalisations about you?

Most people have and are still doing so.

I haven't seen a lot of comments to the otherwise and those that do are in the minority.

That's where generalisations come from.
deko you have come in here complaining about English attitudes and saying we think we're the best and deserve everything on a plate etc. Do you not think that's the least bit inflammatory?

If so, then you shouldn't be surprised when people start pointing out the fact that Scotland couldn't even table a bid that wouldn't fit better in a standup show than a FIFA office.
There's already been averts in the British Press (as of yesterday ..) from Russian Brothels and Escort Agencies.
One advert even had Cheryl Cole et al 's heads on top of random naked Russian women!
What do they think of us ;)
That's the way the world works though, sure it's disappointing - I'm disappointed but these knee-jerk allegations of corruption just reek of sour grapes.

What he said ^^^... I wonder if the "corruption" word would be getting shouted if England had won their bid...

The UK have the next Olympics (2012) and Commonwealth Games (2014) so maybe getting the WC was just greedy and it was just someone else's turn to host a sporting event ?
Qatar hold 15 percent of total world reserves and the third-largest in the world behind Russia and Iran

LOL Gas world cup

Qatar is half the size of Birmingham, they need at least 12 stadiums, thats some big task.
Is it just me or, shouldn't the world cup pretty much go to the most competant bid(as long as its not a total farce) that hasn't held it before.

Its the WORLD CUP, and as such a chance to bring football, big/great teams, and fans from the world over to get involved. The african's seemed incredibly happy to be part of it, and thats much of the point, without it being held there, the general african people wouldn't really have a chance to see those types of games. The world cup SHOULD be global and SHOULDN'T be about being the most profitable, but being as wide reaching and all inclusive as possible. Getting people into cities isn't the idea, transport links, great for uk residents traveling hundreds of miles, and tourists, but shouldn't most of the tickets, quite fairly, end up in the hands of the more local population.

If it were just about, and only about, making money then it would be in the USA, UK or a couple euro countries every 4 years and tickets would be £300 a pop for everyone. I've no problem with people making money, but it should be more about people getting the chance to go to live games around the world.

I think England should get the chance but, not for a good long while yet. If these things only ever go to the best 1st world countries due to the money available, well, these types of events help improve 3rd world countries pretty dramatically.

The question is, when should we have known we weren't really in the running, and when should we have pulled out and stopped throwing money at the bid?
Then please don't get upset when people generalise yourselves :)

But you are letting your xenophobic feelings surface because you have no like for like retort.

Everything I have said is accurate, everything you have said isn't.

People in scotland aren't tartan clad midgets.

Neither are they Robin Williams in drag with a bad accent.

Neither do 99.5% of the population own a kilt, let alone wear one. Those that do tend to be very old servicemen.

So have a heart, grow a brain and shut your nonesing trap you sore sore loser.

What he said ^^^... I wonder if the "corruption" word would be getting shouted if England had won their bid...

The UK have the next Olympics (2012) and Commonwealth Games (2014) so maybe getting the WC was just greedy and it was just someone else's turn to host a sporting event ?

So, we cant help being a sporting nation and passtionate about watching sports, we also have the Circket world cup and Rugby World Cup in 2010s
Have to say, if the stuff from Panorama and in the press etc hadn't surfaced, im sure the majority of brits would have accepted it a lot better.
Fact is, we know FIFA is corrupt in numerous ways, theres no evidence that this vote was anything but fair, but with what we know it cant help but leave a bad taste.
Which for someone who practically never comes here in my book is mocking. I presume that as a Scotsman you are just taking the ****. :)

Just because I don't post doesn't mean I don't read. Not enough threads on my lowely team however.

Or do you set the terms of debate and discussion here?

No, as an outsider I'm telling you how it seems.

Bring in Scottishness if you like, it doesn't make a difference. Except give you a distraction.
Ive decided Im now looking forward to Russia over England - the women as just miles hotter - more than happy to attempt to keep warm over there :D

ps3ud0 :cool:


Although it will actually be pretty warm there anyway, so unless you're a reptile you shouldn't struggle too much.
Looking at the comments about poorer developing nations getting preference, perhaps England should have paired with Scotland or Wales to increase their chances.
People can bang on about sour grapes, that doesn't change the fact the FIFA is rotten to the core.

I don't disagree with that, but it isn't a new problem is it?

Looking at the comments about poorer developing nations getting preference, perhaps England should have paired with Scotland or Wales to increase their chances.

Perhaps, but that is fraught with problems on both sides. Team 'GB' style rubbish.

I feel that it would still have went east anyway.
Can't say I'm surprised one bit, happy that it is going to countries who have not hosted before :)
Russia will do a fine job, pretty interested to see what Qatar comes up with.
Russia just suit what FIFA have being doing recently.

South Africa didn't have any infrastructure or the stadiums.

Why is everyone so bitter? :(

Because as always, our typical chav reactions are to **** those that beat us. It's 'normal' calling Russians all sorts of names right now. Tomorrow everyone's short attention spans would've been directed elsewhere and all will be forgotten.
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