World first QD-OLED monitor from Dell and Samsung (34 inch Ultrawide 175hz)

6 Feb 2019
First models are 34 inch ultrawide QD-OLED panels with 175hz refresh. Both Dell and Samsung have announced a new gaming monitor with this panel


34 inch Ultrawide, 3440x1440 @ 175hz 10bit QD-OLED panel. 0.1ms response time, 99.3% DCI-P3 and 1 million:1 contrast ratio, 1000nits peak brightness, Gsync Ultimate, 3 year warranty.

Launch is in March/April, No price yet but given the 65 inch TVs are $8k usd I wouldn't be surprised if this first QD-OLED gaming monitor are several thousand too

Edit: Linus was given early access to test it, video below

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Linus reckons the new QD-OLEDs make our current OLEDs look like Dinosaurs :eek:

Rather wait for hdtv and other reviewers in a fairer and better setup comparison naturally.

The image on the right looks quite over saturated and yellow. For that reason I wouldn't be too much faith in this comparison, we need proper reviewers to put them up in Apple to apples test. Samsung's marketing team does the same tricks as Intels marketing does, so rarely do they put up fair comparisons, it's usually disadvantaging one side.

But overall I do think Samsung has the edge. I took some time and went through the Spiderman footage frame by frame - and both OLEDs appear to be a 1:1 match for smoothness and pixel response. However the Samsung is brighter in some interesting ways - for example when analysing each frame it becomes clear that the Samsung is displaying a lot more snow flakes and sparks flying through the air than the LG OLED does.

Later in the video Linus shows the 34 inch monitor vs the mini-led with hundreds of dimming zones in a night time scene and that one looks more impressive as the OLED monitor has no blooming and the bright highlights are brighter
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Correct, Sony is not manufacturing its own OLED panels - it's sourcing it from LG and Samsung.

because Samsung electronics and Samsung display are seperate companies, the display business can sell panels to whomever first. And it appears Sony indeed beat Samsung electronics to the punch that's why their Samsung display manufactured QD-OLED tv will come to market ahead of Samsung Electronics's Samsung Display manufactured QD-OLED tv
quick comparison, off screen captures from the ces demo

Few things I picked up on. The dimming zones on the mini-led and fald are super aggressive and it kills bright areas in night time scenes - the QD-OLED destroys the mini-led here. Second example is more 50/50; the colors and contrast is way better on the QD-OLED but you can see the Mini-LED gets much brighter - brightness, while better than LG OLEDs, is still low compared to Mini-LED, the QD-OLED can do 1400 nits on 1% window, 1000 nits on 3% window, 400 nits on 25% window and 200 nits on 100% window - its being rated for OLED HDR400 (same rating given to all OLED gaming screens so far)

First example; top is the Alienware QD-OLED, two bottom screens are are mini-led and the Asus PG35VQ (512 dimming zones, HDR1000)


Second example is mini-led with fald dimming zones and hdr on left and Alienware QD-OLED on right

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Yep, well said it reflects my experience too. I've used the super slow mo video record function on my phone to track movement and input between my 144hz ips and 120hz OLED and the OLED absolutely spanks the ips, the pixel response is so much faster and there is a huge reduction in blur and ghosting - everything just feels snappier and smoother. OLED at 240hz would definitely be faster and smoother than any other monitor on the market, including 360hz ips panels
I been saying this for the last 4/5 years now since getting my lg e7 :p Motion clarity is just so much superior to any high refresh rate ips/lcd display, at least when compared to my 144hz ips, more importantly is the fact that in order to get the best motion clarity from high refresh rate lcds, you also need to be pushing the fps at said refresh rate.
Some info from Samsung QD here regarding burn in:

Appears Samsung don't require to pixel refresh or pixel cycle as such, they have a self running system which actively looks after each pixel on the fly to prevent burn in or issues.

Reviewer mentions Samsung has stressed tested this system and will be bringing in the proof or numbers in a few weeks time.

This could be the reason why Samsung are so confident they won't get burn in.

So what Samsung is doing is per pixel control.

It can dynamicly adjust for each pixel, if one pixel starts to wear out it will dim all the pixels around it to keep the image uniform.

This should mean that burn in is never visible, however what will happen over time is the screen will lose brightness as the software continues to dim pixels further and further to prevent uneven wear.

Where as LGs OLED is able to maintain its full bright throughout its life with no reduction, it's possible to get uneven wear on pixels. With Samsung OLED pixels will wear evenly and there is no burn in, but a side effect is that the screen will lose brightness over time and become dimmer
thanks that makes sense, maybe Samsung are banking on that effect not showing up within 5 years. Kind of reminds me of hard drive health somewhat, should be useable but those sectors might just be a tad weaker.

It's difficult to tell at this point how much the brightness will be affected by different content and the numbers of years the tV/Monitpr is used for as we just don't have the screens yet. I hope that it's minimal, like maybe the screen only loses 20% brightness after 5 years or something, as a 20% reduction would still leave it brighter than LG OLEDs - but we won't know until people have owned these screens for a year or two and taken measurements
QDOLED currently only does 200nits full screen and it's probably the one aspect that you will struggle to meet your requirements, I can't see full screen getting anywhere near 450nits anytime soon, not with OLED - at the rate at which OLED full screen brightness has improved over the last 5 years it will take another 15 years to get to 450nits with OLED

I don't think we'll get 8k gaming monitors anytime soon anyway. There are already 8k monitors for color and production work, if that's your job then go buy one of those today. Gaming doesn't need that many pixels so it won't be a priority for manufacturers when the demand is below 0
Looks like it will be $1300 which is much cheaper than I was expecting it to be. Shame that will translate to £1300 though.

Will be interesting to see the reviews and how it will compare to the LG 42” C2.

Thats a mind blowing price

Go look at what price ASUS is charging for Mini-LED gaming monitor with the same resolution and refresh rate.. the Alienware is nearly half price.

And this Alienware QD-OLED, on paper, blows it out of the water with easy in capability and at almost half price... This price from Alienware suggests to me that Alienware doesn't see any existing PC monitors as its competition, and rightly so, its only competition is the LG OLED 48 and 42 inch TVs and thats why its price is so competitive

This is a market shaker, demolisher and mover. This monitor, I predict, will be sold out almost as soon as ordering goes live.

I myself had no intention of buying it originally, I thought I'd just chill around a bit and wait but at that price I cannot resist and will be putting in an order as soon as its available.
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Couldn’t care less what ASUS or anyone else is charging. Those are just overpriced.

I look what how much I can get a 48” C1 and 42” C2. That’s what is relevant to me. The former I could have had for under £750 recently but did not go for it (maybe a mistake).

Trouble as I say with the Alienware is only 1440p. I was gaming at that res like 10-15 years ago… Pretty sure I sold my Dell 1600p monitor here like around 12 years ago to someone on members market.

That's a stale argument, I mean dude, I bought my first 4k gaming monitor in 2011... so by your logic those LG's are junk they should be 8k or 16k
Just the buy the monitor size that suits your needs, you guys don't need to **** on others for their purchase it's their money, worry about yourself
I was hoping to see the days any OLED screens would be incorporating Moth Eye tech as a standard.

Yet this is from 9 years ago.

I just did a lighting upgrade, now we have biased lighting and it's brilliant no more reflections on screen
It's using the G-Sync Ultimate FPGA (why it only has HDMI 2.0), so almost certainly has a fan.

I just googled this and yep you're right. That's so ****** lol.
That's probably going to put me off this monitor as well, I'll wait for a non gsync ultimate version then
Is the fan noticeable?

One of the reviews I looked at mentioned that the fan is a core component of the Gsync module and is attached to it - likely meaning it's a standard part supplied by Nvidia and will be the same across all Gsync ultimate monitor.

And in that regard, they mention that the fan is always on - if the monitor is on, the fan is on and it's noise level is 34db which is about the same as a 120mm case fan at 1500rpm. My take away from that is yes it will be noticeable; May not notice it when playing audio like a game, music movie but with no audio it will be noticed
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