I actually started flicking off the switch from a plug that the extension cable is on which powers my pc, monitor etc.
It was using 16w constantly when everything was off. Most of that is probably the switch.
In the past that was not a huge deal, but come October that will be essentially the same cost as having around 60w on constantly a year or two ago.
This way also the monitor is off off, so no timers running causing it to ask for a refresh cycle much earlier than it should. No fans which still stay on for a bit even on eco either.
I mean the monitor is not like my LG OLED that does its thing automatically, so no reason for it to be on. All I have to do is obvious let it do its pixel refresh when it asks and not turn off power during that, that's it.
In the past also turning power off the PSU could mess with my overclocks, but now with 5900X I don't have anything like that, so can't really think of a reason why not to turn it off from the plug now, other than the faffing about.