World of Warcraft: Classic

Well premade farming in WSG is rife. I really like WSG and its one of the reasons I play the game. But I'm starting to get disillusioned with it now. They really need to fix the BG system otherwise people like me will just leave.

The zerg/premade problems in AV have now moved to WSG. Great.

And the server I'm on seems to be full of idiots which doesn't help. :(

Unfortunately the game is full of idiots who follow the lowest common denominator, which combined with the incompetence of blizzard to fix issues in good time makes for an awful playing experience.
AV has been fantastic since the "fix", sorry for your loss WSG but as I don't play WSG I'm happy.

AV games now last 30-40mins, I haven't seen an 8min zerg since it was patched. Icelord gets summoned regularly, bottleneck/choke points where druid NPCs can help overcome one side, both sides racing to kill Vaan/Drek and coming within 10% of each other. I've seen it all now since the patch yet none of these experiences occurred before the fix.
I'm in agreement. Seen hardly any "pre-mades" and I've only lost a couple of games.. We (Horde) seem to win vs randoms quite a bit! Should hit Rank 5 tomorrow and I'm only ~900 rep from Exalted with AV.

One of the losses we got Van to 2/3%. Was a close 'un! :D
What realms / factions are you all on ? Starting to think mine is dying off a bit :)

Alliance / Skullflame 5/6 clearing guilds left all seem to be recruiting, pug dungs are sometimes hard to get going due to lack of tanks / healers :)

They're are 3 MC pugs on alliance still mostly alts or the smaller guilds
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1 hour and 40 minutes. Realm first Nef:

Well premade farming in WSG is rife. I really like WSG and its one of the reasons I play the game. But I'm starting to get disillusioned with it now. They really need to fix the BG system otherwise people like me will just leave.

The zerg/premade problems in AV have now moved to WSG. Great.

And the server I'm on seems to be full of idiots which doesn't help. :(
I've just cancelled my sub, it's the same old blizzard which takes a year or two to fix simple issues just like back in the day.

Premade everywhere and 30min-1 hour queues on horde, I love wow PvP but I'm not waiting and paying for that. They should at least have free transfers to alliance and try to balance the servers.

Also I've seemed to pick a bad server (mograine), literally every single guild raids on a Saturday or Sunday. I don't want to waste my weekend raiding, rather do Thursday or Friday night but no guilds on this damn server do that! Not paying those absurd transfer prices either. Blizzard can do one.
I spent 3hrs wiping in our first BWL last night, managed to get 3 bosses down and I got my 1st piece of loot, T2 boots for the 3 set bonus :)
I've lost track of how much gold got wasted in consumables and repairs though!
8/8 BWL, cleared in about 2 hours. 1 wipe on Firemaw and 1 on Chromaggus - both annoyingly at about 1 or 2%. We had the bronze debuff which is hilarious and frustrating at the same time.

Boots of the Shadow Flame and a bunch of caster rings dropped. No rogue T2 unfortunately.
I've just cancelled my sub, it's the same old blizzard which takes a year or two to fix simple issues just like back in the day.

Premade everywhere and 30min-1 hour queues on horde, I love wow PvP but I'm not waiting and paying for that. They should at least have free transfers to alliance and try to balance the servers.

Also I've seemed to pick a bad server (mograine), literally every single guild raids on a Saturday or Sunday. I don't want to waste my weekend raiding, rather do Thursday or Friday night but no guilds on this damn server do that! Not paying those absurd transfer prices either. Blizzard can do one.

Just level a new character, I made a Rogue around Christmas and just leveled it up over about 5-6 weeks, it's not some marathon to level up like it used to be
Just level a new character, I made a Rogue around Christmas and just leveled it up over about 5-6 weeks, it's not some marathon to level up like it used to be

You are missing the point leveling isnt the issue. What is the issue is when you get to 60 and it is effectively open to glitchers who do nothing but zerg and minmax everything.
You are missing the point leveling isnt the issue. What is the issue is when you get to 60 and it is effectively open to glitchers who do nothing but zerg and minmax everything.

Jump on a non pvp server, even RP, it might be better.
Any good alliance guilds looking for folk, in two minds too quit or not. I've cleared bwl twice, MC loads 2 raid geared characters healer / DPS - dunno if a change will keep me going :)
Got the BWL crossbow on my hunter last Wednesday, Getting some crazy crits in Bg's.Also hit Rank 10pvp. I am going to try and get rank 12 but not sure i can make it as i dont think i can manage enough hours even though currently putting in a crazy amount, 4 hours a night mon-friday, Probably 8-10 hours Saturday and 5-6 hours sunday.
Cancelled my sub, just wasn't the same (probably predictably so). Got a char to level 51 but just couldn't face levelling any more. Community wasn't the same either. Shame really, but it answered a question I'd always wondered about.
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