World of Warcraft: Classic

Well technically Cataclysm is when WoW became "modern" WoW. So I guess Classic will go as far as Wrath and then they'll have to decide what to do from there - leave as is, in which case it'll bleed subs and die, patch to Cata in which case why not just play Retail or go for some kind of new Classic content, which means a whole new development team to make it.
Aye, can see it stopping at WotLK - there doesn't seem to be any appetite for anything else after that amongst the player base. It'll end up with Classic, Classic TBC and maybe Classic WotLK servers. I reckon the Classic WotLK servers will be the current servers progressed through the content at the original pace. For example, when Classic TBC is released, the existing servers will continue onto TBC, but blizz will create a new set of layered Classic servers to give people the option to keep playing vanilla by copying their 60s over.
I would imagine they'll move the whole lot to TBC and then WotLK, before letting it die and then coming back to it a few years later when demand surges again. I don't see much point in leaving certain servers capped at 60 given that the content is still there with a 70 cap.
Well if that happens people will go back to private servers again. There are some that really don't want to go beyond vanilla it was the start of it all going downhill.

The argument that people will get bored doesn't seem logical to me seeing as private vanilla servers have been going since 2008.

In the end Blizz would just be cutting their own revenue stream - money for old rope.
Well if that happens people will go back to private servers again. There are some that really don't want to go beyond vanilla it was the start of it all going downhill.

The argument that people will get bored doesn't seem logical to me seeing as private vanilla servers have been going since 2008.

In the end Blizz would just be cutting their own revenue stream - money for old rope.

I was more than happy to play Vanilla for ever back then. The community of the server was the most important part. Completely lost now. In the present it would take me years to get to the same level I was.
I stopped playing once I realised I am no longer 16 and have two children to look after :p
Making me feel bad haha. I have 2 kids but basically play 4 hours a week. One raid then 1 hour spent trying to make as much gold as possible for some basic amount of consumes. Needless to say I'm being completely carried by my guild, but it's great to clear all the content I never could in vanilla. Done all of naxx except Sapphiron and Kel'thuzad.
I still play but only really casually, I don't have the time/inclination to do much in the way of raiding or even super regular dungeons anymore. I love levelling however.
Anyone else stick it out as far as Naxx?

Still playing and still enjoying it. 15/15 Naxx. Lots of nerd screams from 30 year olds when we killed KT. Still in the same guild since day 1 and we're already planning a big boozy weekender in Sweden or Finland later on this year!

Roll on TBC!

Oh and I won the ZG tiger during a guild idol run with a 96 roll a few days ago :)
The big killers during KT:

1. Frost blast killing multiple groups of melee
2. Frostbolts killing too many players
3. Mind controlled players killing other players

If you manage those and then succesfully shackle 3 + tank 2 of the final adds, it's usually a kill.

For 1, try splitting into 3 groups - left side, behind and right side. If a single group gets hit it means lower numbers for the healers to keep up, but you run the risk of chaining multiple groups if players have poor positional awareness.

For 2, use curse of tongues and make sure all rogues use kick.

For 3, make sure mages and warlocks have /targetenemyplayer macros for firing out quick CC. Also encourage warriors to intercept or intimidating shout and rogues to blind or gouge if they spot players not CC'd.

It's also wise for warriors and rogues to save all major cooldowns for the final phase so you can burn KT down as quickly as possible.
14/15 here too. Had an absolute mare on saph this week though so hard to know if our one kill was a one off! Still enjoying it mostly though.
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