World of Warcraft: Classic

So anyone got the gates open on their server yet?
Still a way off on mine (hydraxion waterlords) but finally finished the scarab lord grind for one of my guildies.
I'm playing on SKullflame and I think it's still going on because I'm able to sell low level mats for loads. My character is level 18 and has like 75g
Gates opened on my server noggenfogger at about 7pm last night. We did AQ20 with a few guild groups, was fun doing that again after so long.

First go in AQ40 tonight, I never did that in vanilla so that should be interesting. I hope it's really challenging rather than just a procession.
Gates opened on Bloodfang over the weekend. AQ40 cleared apart from Viscidus, which seems to be the only difficult encounter. Trash gave us more trouble than the majority of the bosses.

AQ20 is fun. Nice and quick.

I'm top of CEPGP now so just need C'Thun to drop Death's Sting!
I've moved back to the EU, I need to get back into classic, gonna start on a EU server (tried a while back). Just how bad is it starting from low lvl at this point? Is everyone 60 and given up on most of the raids?
I've moved back to the EU, I need to get back into classic, gonna start on a EU server (tried a while back). Just how bad is it starting from low lvl at this point? Is everyone 60 and given up on most of the raids?
You'll be fine starting now, it's not a bad time really. You may have to pay for boosts in some dungeons, as that's what most others will do meaning very few 'organic' groups at your level for certain dungeons, but you'll manage fine.

Once you get to 60, you can catch up really quick on loot from ZG and AQ20. I don't think too many people will be running MC as much now, and to an extent BWL. I would love never to go back now myself tbh! Even though there are 2 bits of loot I still need from there.

First night in AQ40 last night for us (and for me, never got that far in vanilla). I think it was 4 wipes on Twin Emperors and we got C'thun on the third try, which is decent going for first night and we lost some people towards the end too. It's a really fun raid, definitely moreso than MC and BWL. The bug mounts you get are awesome too.
Gates opened on my server noggenfogger at about 7pm last night. We did AQ20 with a few guild groups, was fun doing that again after so long.

First go in AQ40 tonight, I never did that in vanilla so that should be interesting. I hope it's really challenging rather than just a procession.

I always loved AQ40. C'Thun was always special. I still remember wiping on Huhuran at 5% HP because of server lag....
Thanks for the invite, I'm only lvl 20. I'm playing with friends and lvling up together. Back in the day I cleared all vanilla content. Really enjoying going through it all again though. If the offer is still there once I'm 60 I'll deff come join you
People still playing this i quit in November waste of time far too easy what are you going to do when Naxx is released and have cleared it keep playing the same content for years wont you get bored.
People still playing this i quit in November waste of time far too easy what are you going to do when Naxx is released and have cleared it keep playing the same content for years wont you get bored.

We actually have a community, we speak to each other and have fun in raids, we help each other outside of the raids in group content like 5 man dungeons for consumables and enchants, we level alts and clear old content because there are still some nice items there, we run raids on a Friday night where everyone has alcohol and we have to take a drink if someone dies or if someone asks for a buff, etc, etc. We aren't focused on clearing the same content simply on the next difficulty up for items with a slightly bigger number, we chase our best in slot items then we're done. We actually have to come up with strategies to get into the raids with our buffs intact because pvp is an actual thing you have to consider as part of completing end game content on a pvp realm.
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