World of Warcraft: Classic

Here are supposed leaks (from reddit):

-Classic WoW is in a pre-alpha state, mostly all quests done. They started working on dungeons and battlegrouds.

-17 devs are working on the game, 2 former Nost-devs for assuring authenticity.

-They don't think there will be a long beta phase.

-Only changes: Improved textures and spell effects but still using the old models. Improved view distance and colorblind mode. will have some restrictions on PVP servers.

-8 servers per region, 4 PVP, 2 PVE, 1 RP-PVP and 1 RP-PVE.

-No ingame shop at the start.

-Sub will be included in retail WoW or you pay less for Classic only.

-Launch about April/June 2019.

-There will be an annoucement and gameplay at Blizzcon.

This was leaked before the classic demo was announced.
Rofl £34.99 for a virtual ticket and a chance to play a demo? What a load of rubbish. No thanks.

I am looking forward to Classic and I'll probably give it a go, but I'm not paying the price that games these days should cost just for the privilege of playing a demo and watching some guff about their current games.
Rofl £34.99 for a virtual ticket and a chance to play a demo? What a load of rubbish. No thanks.

I am looking forward to Classic and I'll probably give it a go, but I'm not paying the price that games these days should cost just for the privilege of playing a demo and watching some guff about their current games.

To be fair, the ticket price was announced (I think it's the same as every year) way before they announced a demo of classic would be available, so it's just a little extra on top of what you would have been getting. To me, £35 for a virtual ticket is not worth it, to some it is, I guess.
Can’t believe anyone would pay to play a beta of WoW classic. I alpha / beta tested it the first time and there’s no way i’d have paid then, never mind this time round. But then again Beta tests nowadays are marketing tools and nothing to do with actual testing or QC.
Can’t believe anyone would pay to play a beta of WoW classic. I alpha / beta tested it the first time and there’s no way i’d have paid then, never mind this time round. But then again Beta tests nowadays are marketing tools and nothing to do with actual testing or QC.

Don't underestimate how much the blizzard fanboys will forkout for any breadcrumbs they throw their way. Similiar to how Disney treats Star Wars.
Can’t believe anyone would pay to play a beta of WoW classic. I alpha / beta tested it the first time and there’s no way i’d have paid then,
Are you sure you didn't pay? The WoW beta cost £1.99 for the DVD from various shops (and you could make an absolute killing reselling them on eBay... One of my fondest memories of WoW vanilla :D )
Are you sure you didn't pay? The WoW beta cost £1.99 for the DVD from various shops (and you could make an absolute killing reselling them on eBay... One of my fondest memories of WoW vanilla :D )

Was it you that ripped me off for £10 just to play the beta? Expect an email from Paypal soon.
The wife and I got tickets and we are VERY much looking forward to checking this out. Fingers crossed they have not tainted it with 'modern' stuff.
Here are supposed leaks (from reddit):

-Classic WoW is in a pre-alpha state, mostly all quests done. They started working on dungeons and battlegrouds.

-17 devs are working on the game, 2 former Nost-devs for assuring authenticity.

-They don't think there will be a long beta phase.

-Only changes: Improved textures and spell effects but still using the old models. Improved view distance and colorblind mode. will have some restrictions on PVP servers.

-8 servers per region, 4 PVP, 2 PVE, 1 RP-PVP and 1 RP-PVE.

-No ingame shop at the start.

-Sub will be included in retail WoW or you pay less for Classic only.

-Launch about April/June 2019.

-There will be an annoucement and gameplay at Blizzcon.

This was leaked before the classic demo was announced.

Hopefully this'll be the case, looking forward to giving it another play through though will be on a much more casual basis to the first time around! :p

I do wonder if they'll change the macro commands to the more simple (and much easier to use) version rather than the original, can't see this taking anything away from the gameplay originality.
Can’t believe anyone would pay to play a beta of WoW classic. I alpha / beta tested it the first time and there’s no way i’d have paid then, never mind this time round. But then again Beta tests nowadays are marketing tools and nothing to do with actual testing or QC.
But you arent paying for the BETA.

You are paying for access to the blizzcon panels, Which incidentally went on sale BEFORE the Classic access got announced. You just happen to get access to WoW Classic and some in game items as well for other games as part of the bundle.
I wouldn't be surprised if it meant easier matchmaking for dungeons. I do want that original feel though even if /lfg as a hunter was tedious at times.
Are you sure you didn't pay? The WoW beta cost £1.99 for the DVD from various shops (and you could make an absolute killing reselling them on eBay... One of my fondest memories of WoW vanilla :D )

As I was an ex GM from another MMORG I beta tested most major releases back then - I never paid for access and never would.
If the classic servers can bring the community back to the server that you are on. I can see it being very successful.

That is I would think the main reason why I'd like to go back and play classic. And many others feel this way also I'd guess.
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