World of Warcraft: Classic

Is the Gnome starting area on retail similar to what it was in vanillla? I havnt made a Gnome before so fancy taking a look around before jumping in.
I'm happy staying on shaz or moving to firemaw.

I've placed the same toon on both servers (just dropped a letter in my name) so im good to go.
I'm having a free play around with sub-lvl 20 classes in the main game. I've come to the conclusion I don't think I'll find horde appealing. A plain old human melee DPS of some kind may be the way to go as alliance shaman is out. Is the retri pally in Classic really as bad as I'm hearing?
I'm having a free play around with sub-lvl 20 classes in the main game. I've come to the conclusion I don't think I'll find horde appealing. A plain old human melee DPS of some kind may be the way to go as alliance shaman is out. Is the retri pally in Classic really as bad as I'm hearing?

It has no place in pve.
In terms of PvP it's not bad.
Paladins are valuable for their auras in raids, and you'll find 40 man raids more forgiving for less than min/maxed builds. They'll want a competent Ret pal over a flaky rogue, but Ret Pal are heavily gear dependent so you may find yourself discouraged at your place on the dps meters for a long while. Holy Paladins are always good, and Prot Pal can have its place for dungeons but there's never a shortage of Prot Warriors and they'll take that MT spot.

All that aside, though, you should play what you want. When you find the right community for you, your peers will want you involved regardless of build. Heck I shadowpriested my way through vanilla raiding.
All servers will be busy and will most likely have queues. Atleast Shazzarah has the best chance if having a stable population 6 months from launch so I think stay.

Gee was more worried about the A:H ratio. I've also been reading about how toxic the discord for Shazzrah is (although that may not represent the server as a whole).

Firemaw looks to be the second biggest server.
Paladins are valuable for their auras in raids, and you'll find 40 man raids more forgiving for less than min/maxed builds. They'll want a competent Ret pal over a flaky rogue, but Ret Pal are heavily gear dependent so you may find yourself discouraged at your place on the dps meters for a long while. Holy Paladins are always good, and Prot Pal can have its place for dungeons but there's never a shortage of Prot Warriors and they'll take that MT spot.

All that aside, though, you should play what you want. When you find the right community for you, your peers will want you involved regardless of build. Heck I shadowpriested my way through vanilla raiding.

Good advice, especially regarding playing the class you enjoy. I did that with an Alliance enhancement Shaman and somehow 'made it' in WoW in terms. However, even making it to Lvl 60 in classic will not be an insignificant task to say the least - IIRC doing it with a class you're not thoroughly enjoying will be nearly impossible.
From what I'm reading, everyone who was originally planning to play on Shazzrah is moving to Firemaw. It seems a more balanced server; A:H wise and there's still a lot of UK folk on there.

Some more updated stats from the Reddit survey:

Is the Gnome starting area on retail similar to what it was in vanillla? I havnt made a Gnome before so fancy taking a look around before jumping in.
No. The gnomes story is one that has evolved. As a displaced race there starting area has moved. In retail they have there own starting area. In classic they share with dwarves and the starting qeusts are totaly different.
The entire zone you spend time in as a starting dwarve/gnome has been altered, moved and chopped up in retail. As a gnome in retail its highly likley you will never see Coldridge Valley, in classic your start there.
Right, make a character on Firemaw Alliance guys. Guild name stays (Top Revenue Earners).

No. The gnomes story is one that has evolved. As a displaced race there starting area has moved. In retail they have there own starting area. In classic they share with dwarves and the starting qeusts are totaly different.
The entire zone you spend time in as a starting dwarve/gnome has been altered, moved and chopped up in retail. As a gnome in retail its highly likley you will never see Coldridge Valley, in classic your start there.
Cheers mate
A Reddit survey is not an accurate guide of true population numbers or race balance.

If lots of players leave Shazzarah for Firemaw then the queues everybody was fearing on Shaz will now appear on Firemaw instead. As for balance if Alliance is heavily outnumbered, which I doubt, then moving just creates s bigger problem for the Alliance that stay. And for all we know we could go to Firemaw and end up being outnumbered there.

I agree with reserving a name on both servers, but let's not immediately abandon Shaz on the basis of a survey filled in by a small number of the total players.
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