Doubt my subscription will last longer than a month or so. Don't think it will replicate vanilla. Will play for a bit for lols at least.
That is a lot of servers how many now 6? I guess they really do want to replicate classic with warts and all. This will destroy the long term enjoyment of the game. Because really there is only enough interest to maintain at most two EU servers.
I am willing to bet after 6 months that you could and will be able to fill the entire EU classic playerbase onto Shazzrah. But what they have done and i guess they have no choice as well but the rush of people is going to destroy the game. When i played classic we all every last man woman and child had our experience ruined because of population. Bladefist managed to move to Outland en masse but eventually crowds enticed people to move, And when they did they killed the realms pvp scene. This eventually snowballed into an Alliance dominated server with no horde and no fun. This is how i remember classic Blizzard raking in the money and did nothing they basically looked upon the situation with disdain. If you can pay to migrate why is there a problem in the eyes of Blizzard? Well because once a realms population dives off mass migration never fixes it. So you have again been warned these new servers are basically traps where your character will die a slow death. I promise give it 6 months and all but Shazzrah will be empty.
The only way to stop this was to get everyone who has an interest on to Shazzrah, And everyone who is here just to spend a week or a month should go somewhere else. But i very much doubt this wouls happen for a start Blizzard would probably be too scared to admit that they know this is going to happen and they will have to open up realm transfers. This is why i might even wait for a week until i start my Shazzrah Horde Shaman i know within a week a decent sized chunk of the population will already be drastically reducing thier playtime. It is not a game for everyone, But everyone will want a peek to see what the fuss was about which is the major problem Classic has.
What evidence do you have to back up that statement? Or are you just talking out of your ****?
The biggest thing that will drive people away is having to wait in queues of hundreds of thousands of people which is what would happen if they just had two servers for the entirety of the EU.
The population might well end up only filling a handful of the launched servers but just launching with two servers would make it a self fulfilling prophecy.
Is there a "Labby" on here? got a random friend request.
Giant Wall of Text.
Is there a "Labby" on here? got a random friend request.
this post reminded me of igxe and it is still going and already has listings for gold on the classic servers!I’ve heard of this labby. Apparently he is a really handsome gold seller
I’ve heard of this labby. Apparently he is a really handsome gold seller
11pmIs there a time when this goes live in the UK?
Nope.Can we create more than 3 toons yet
Already done, just in case.I'm not sure, hence why I posted thoughts. I think from a queue time sake of things (given what we know from Blizzard), it may be worth deleting one of your characters on Shazzrah and making it on Firemaw just to be sure.*JYeO0iCBeCgP6J1RG_ywBA
Results from the latest demographic survey on Reddit.
E: I think Firemaw might be the place to be after reading these, so I've made an Alliance character on there. The huge Horde bias on Shazzrah has me a little concerned.