World of Warcraft: Classic

Right because people are getting their knickers in a twist on the server. If you want to stay on Shazzrah, then stay on there.

We've been discussing this quite a lot in Discord ( and the census is that moving to Firemaw is a better shout than staying on Shazzrah. Good Alliance/Horde ratio and plenty English speakers.

I'm happy to get the guild charter and set it up.

TL;DR - we are moving to Firemaw Alliance. The guild will be called Top Revenue Earners.

I've been one of the ones moaning about moving to Firemaw, mainly because of the way that it was handled, but I will urge everybody to move across.

You might have to find a new name and that's a shame but it'll be worth it 6 months down the line when you're playing with the lads lads lads in the Top Revenue Earners guild as we smash out all the content available in Classic WoW.
So I not really played any of wow before (maybe a few hours years ago)

What's the best class to go with for a beginner? I was thinking the gnome.
Right, going to reserve my name as a human priest now - hopefully it will work out for me and I will not miss playing a shaman too much :(

All the things I do to play with friends!

Edit: Also I have setup my discord and mic - so hopefully will be chatting tonight with you guys...thats what people do in queues is it not?
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Although it looks like I am on a different realm to a lot of you folk (playing with my retail guild on Mirage) can't wait for this now.
New realms are up now im gonna roll on Nethergarde Keep-PVE on horde and hope it gets a bit of a population without the queues.

Well call me indecisive Andy, ive also rolled a Undead Rogue on Gandling PVP. Guess it will be a coin toss to decide what i start with :D
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