***World of Warcraft : Legion***

I did a dungeon yesterday with some old guild friends, we've all just come back for Legion, it was so hilariously easy. Things have come a long way in terms of toning down the easiest tiers!

Healer rarely had to heal, and our tactics were just stand still and dps...

Think it was the Azshara one, where you get to throw fish from a barrel? HOBBIT

I'm not rushing leveling (I can't), but I don't feel the need to really. Going to have to go through all the zones at 110 anyway to get 100% for flying mount so just doing it all as I go.
I tanked that last night, so easy. However, mythic+ will make things interesting as you will get you a point where you (or anyone) can beat a dungeon and then get a reward based on the difficulty you managed to get to.

I would consider this release to have been smooth. There are a few minor issues for the minority. I was on a fair portion of the day and evening and experienced minor pockets of lag but no worse than usual with the DDOS attempts recently. I think you are being overly harsh considering the state of the game in the last 2\3 releases.

Probably, I think I was just a little upset that I couldn't play properly given the limited amount of time I had last night (and in general).
That's the dungeon I tanked. Ignore pain means I barely take any damage. As NeverWinter said, these are just leveling dugeons. They'll be a lot more difficult at end game.
When doing the MM Hunter artifact quest, I was getting absolutely mullered. Ended up fighting the boss with all of my gear fully broken and I had to use the SoO heirloom bow to be able to attack!
I had the same issue on the hunter MM quest. The mobs seemed to hit like trains. Managed to get it done though with about 3 deaths lol
And then on the flip side you have the Vengeance DH one, where I didn't even break a sweat fighting massive groups of mobs. I imagine the mage one will be tough.
Mages seem to be the worst now, can't solo much, I had issues in WOD doing the Garrison quest, after flying through with my mains and only getting there on mage a few months back I kept dying all the time. Had np idea what was happening. Took advantage of the Legion Invasions to level it, now dreading soloing the Legion content. Will have to leave it last to level up.
MM hunter was ok, if a bit slower waiting for CC cooldowns.

I actually like the higher difficulty, outlaw rogue artifact required some burst dps and cc but ultimately manageable.

We've had too many expansions where questing is mind numbing run/target/press-button/repeat
I'll be maining a MM Hunter throughout Legion, really enjoying the new play-style personally.

Bit of RNG involved with procs and what not but I'm not going to stop playing the class I've played since Vanilla! :D
Playing my prot warrior casual, gonna do all the quests in each area and not bother rush to max level like I have done in the past.

Started at stormhiem and really enjoying it so far! Almost 102 and only about 50% through this area
Well maybe we should add people to our lists, would be great to have some dedicated healers/tanks for fast queues.

Feel free to add me: GixxerDrei#2143
Mages seem to be the worst now, can't solo much, I had issues in WOD doing the Garrison quest, after flying through with my mains and only getting there on mage a few months back I kept dying all the time. Had np idea what was happening. Took advantage of the Legion Invasions to level it, now dreading soloing the Legion content. Will have to leave it last to level up.

Mage is my main for Legion, great for leveling. Ice Sheild and burn everything down with purifying fire :) Burn baby burn...
Had about 4 hours today and spent most of that just wandering around! Did a couple of quests though and enjoyed them. However, my feral druid seems a bit underwhelming to play. I only have healing touch and just get hammered when I run into several mobs. It's been years since I played feral but it was the first character I started when WoW was first released so I thought I'd go into Legion with it. Still trying to figure out the best rotation etc and I've checked out Icy Veins and Wowhead for tips.
I'm curious as to how disc will play out. I did pvp healing as disc in tbc, wotlk and a little cata before quitting. Come back and it's a weird hybrid now.

I'm levelling as disc so far and it's been very easy. Always full health even vs multiple mobs. I was ganked too when fighting a mob by two demon hunters but I killed them. Ending the fight on full health too haha.

I need to do some dungeons but I'm scared healing them as not sure how I would perform. Might get everyone wiped.
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