***World of Warcraft : Legion***

- Bring back old AV
- Add player/guild housing in SW and the likes
- Get rid of Garrisons (they killed off professions)
- Get rid of flying mounts (they make FlightPath's useless and kill Open-PvP)
- Add more Timeless Isles type entire zones that force PvP/PvE together in the same area
- Ditch RaidFinder, it casualises raids and removes realm identify when you never know/meet the others
- Add incentives/objectives for Horde/Alliance to raid each others capitals
- Don't focus on class's, focus on races instead. Too much grouping of Alliance/Horde and not enough Dwarf/Undead etc.

You're welcome Blizzard, I just saved WoW.

These ideas are bad.
These ideas are bad.

Harsh. What's wrong with them? Is it because I want to take away your precious flying mounts that make 90% of the maps content obsolete? Or is it because my ideas focus more on PvP (which needs addressing, instancing it away into Arena/BG kills it).
Garrisons are coming back in a sense? they mentioned about still having followers but they were stronger and fewer in numbers? Something to do with the class halls.
Your Hall has Champions, an evolution of the followers system from Draenor.
This time around you aren't raising an army by recruiting just anyone, but a small elite group.
Some of your champions will be established characters, such as Lady Liadrin.
These champions will more customization and more integration with the world.
Your champions won't do things instead of you, but instead help you to accomplish things.
They may go on a scouting mission and discover an area for you to investigate.
You may send them to a zone, which gives you bonuses when you are completing objectives there.
You will work alongside them and with them rather than sending them out on missions to compete with you on earning rewards.

Sounds to me like there will specific quests that you will take them on, maybe scenario like in nature?
Sounds to me like there will specific quests that you will take them on, maybe scenario like in nature?

Yeah, will find out more soon I guess.

Well confirmed that the artifact weapons will be your only weapon in the expansion.

Weapon loot will NOT drop, so get used to your artifacts folks :p

Some of the subsequent dev interviews are much more revealing as you would expect, will be interesting to see how much of it lasts till release


I'm happy with this, wielding Ashbringer is win.
If I get offered a free euro key by my old guild I'll play the dungeons for 30 days free but I'm not interested in paying anymore because I didn't enjoy my short 30 day trials of the last few expansions either.
At first glance that sounds ruddy boring.

Agreed. They think adding artifact weapons is adding to the game, when its really taking out a huge part of it.

I can see why the paladins would be happy. But from a lore perspective, it is just breaking everything.
Looks as if the current npc's welding the weapons will be dying too. rip tirion but well green Jesus will be snuffing it too, silver lining and all that :)
Personally I think it is a great game but it is now tired, I have played since launch and have met some great people and experienced some magical moments but I do feel it has run its course and this is reflected in the subscription drops.
This is the first expansion I'm 100% certain I won't resub to. Usually I always did just to check out some of the new content but not this time. Hell, WOD was a waste of money for me as I never got out of the starting areas or gained any levels before quitting. Now I'm in NZ with really only the Aussie servers to play on. Which means midnight raid starts and 3am finishes.

Yea, that's going to happen :p

I had my glory years in TBC. That was enough for me.
This is the first time I've seen a new WoW expansion and thought there's actually nothing new to me. :(

Same. I think it's time I finally washed my hands with this game but the thought makes me sad. Invested SO much time in it over the past ten years. :(
People are saying the Arms warrior artifact will be Gorehowl, for the fourth time lol, god I hope not.

Also it looks like they are sticking with the failed 20m mythic design so bye bye more subs.

Thats ok.. although I don't have the time to play, if I do get the urge one of their other features (tickets) means I can basically get subscription time without paying a penny until the game dies out :D
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