***World of Warcraft : Legion***

Same here. Ill help out, i'll even roll a new toon to level with you if you so wish.

Anyway. I got Legion and......... it's very confusing at first. All the set battles, intros, etc. Once it all finished and I was in Dalaran or the other place with the gods it sort of settled down and I started to quest. Mobs hit heard, VERY hard at first but once I got a few drops or quests rewards it was a bit easier. Definitely have to use a rotation of sorts to down some of them compared to me levelling with looms on through 1-100 where I was one/two shotting mobs lol.

No regrets :D
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Just wondering if there's anybody that plays Alliance that do M+ groups? I play a druid around 880~ and want to start tanking M+ but I struggle to find groups, even with the group finder. Stuck in the typical loop of not fully knowing what to do in the M+ and not being able to learn.

my Btag is Hulari#21213
Add me - Quicks#21155

I've recently returned, playing holy paladin. Working on gearing up right now and want to get more people to play with as most of my friends have stopped playing.
Is flying here yet ? About the only thing that would tempt me back right now. Must be Hideously Under-Geared compared to most as well given that i've not played for over 6 months
I stopped maining hunter as I found MM's rotation awful and whilst I enjoyed BM for a bit it got a bit stale and I couldn't for the life of me get the shoulders which are a game changer for that spec, although they're being nerfed in 7.2.5, GG blizzard, make the one thing that makes the spec fast paced crap!

I'm currently using a frost mage at around 887 equipped ilvl and it's tremendous fun, granted it's the flavour of the month spec and arcane will likely take over towards the end of the expansion as it always does.
I'm still rocking MM, I enjoy it, but I use sidewinders but for DPS it's god awful, but its the only talent from the last tier I think works for the rotation. So I put up with it and rock out with my **** out to our guild raids. We are fairly causal, don't have enough members for mythic raids anyway.
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My Warrior tank is sitting at 892 (896 in the bag) but I haven't touched him in a while.

I've spent all of 7.2 gearing a Havoc DH with the Mrs. Currently at 872. Want to run NH normal but need to get my fiancee up to speed, skill wise (she's an 870 Assassination Rogue).
I'm still rocking MM, I enjoy it, but I use sidewinders but for DPS it's god awful, but its the only talent from the last tier I think works for the rotation. So I put up with it and rock out with my **** out to our guild raids. We are fairly causal, don't have enough members for mythic raids anyway.

Have you tried the Trick Shot build? I struggled with it at first coming from Sidewinders but just do LFR with it and it becomes really easy. Mostly about timing your Aimed Shots at the last couple seconds of Vulnerable to maximise your DPS.
Flying is here, though a rep grind at the moment though Blizzard are slowly making that easier to do but still will take a few weeks to get flying I think, that is if you have done the Legion Pathfinder Part 1 achievement.

Enjoying 7.2 though had a small set back in that the guild I was in with some of friends sort of fell apart meaning no proper raiding for us at the moment which is a pain, and getting into a group to do heroic NH when you dont have the achivement is annoying lol
Flying is here, though a rep grind at the moment though Blizzard are slowly making that easier to do but still will take a few weeks to get flying I think, that is if you have done the Legion Pathfinder Part 1 achievement.

Enjoying 7.2 though had a small set back in that the guild I was in with some of friends sort of fell apart meaning no proper raiding for us at the moment which is a pain, and getting into a group to do heroic NH when you dont have the achivement is annoying lol

It sure is, I've basically given up. I'm 9/10 in NH HC but finding a group that will let me in without AOTC is almost impossible, if I do find my way into the group the group is just generally poor.
There's always people moaning they can't get an invite due to not having Curve...so just make a group yourself! I'll tag along if you need me to, think I have you on Bnet (gpp)
I just resubbed yesterday. Got legion on release and only made it to level 75 before other games got in the way so didnt even get to see any new stuff. Already at 85 now so moving along nicely. Can you just dungeon to 100 now or will I have to do all the draenor stuff again?
100-110 is done through questing, dungeon XP is crap. You only really do dungeons after finishing each zone in Legion as you have a quest to go there. The Legion zones scale to your level so you can go to whichever zone you want first.
Managed to pickup three legendary items on my warrior one day last week. Quite a shock! Has the drop rate been buffed again?
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