***World of Warcraft : Legion***

I'm still playing my Hunter (Item Level 924). Cleared 9/9 Heroic Tomb but progressing through Mythic at the moment. Only have the first boss down mind you but I won't be un-subbing anytime soon! :D
I was in the OcUK guild way back in TBC - we had some great times...

Haven't played in a couple of years now, and don't think I've got the time or motivation to level back up to the end game.

Yeah it was such a great guild. Throughout TBC and WOTLK we were one of the best on the server. I miss it sometimes.
Is this the main place for all of the WoW players on Overclockers then? I'm just interested as I would be up for trying to keep the first post updated, add a Google spreadsheet link for users Battlenet ID's and post some other links for class discords etc.
Just created this if the mods could replace the first post, or should I just start up a new one?

[Last Updated: 7th September 2017] - I will try to keep this updated bi-weekly.

[Current Version: 7.3]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkGqHbgL5bw&app=desktop - I’ve just dinged 110 wtf do I do?

Patch Notes

Check www.mmo-champion.com/ for the most up to date notes
Check http://battle.net/wow/game/patch-notes/ for the official notes

7.3 Argus Trailer

Google Form to add your Battlenet ID
Google Spreadsheet to find other players Battlenet IDs
OC-WoW Discord (this is for players to find other players to form groups, dungeons and even possibly raids!)

Useful Links
www.mmo-champion.com/ - World of Warcraft News & Strategies
www.eu.battle.net/forums/en-gb/wow - World of Warcraft official forums
https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/ - reddit WoW, very useful resource
https://www.icy-veins.com/ - World of Warcraft News & popular place for class guides

Class Discords (usually much more helpful than class forums)
** To be added **

YouTube channels
** To be added **

OCUK Player Streams
** Message me your stream URL to be added here **

Current Overclockers guilds
** Message me if there are any **
I took a break for a few months before 7.3 and resubbed when the patch landed but I'm struggling to get back into it.

Cancelled my sub about 4 weeks before 7.3 dropped. Guild I was in kinda disbanded due to people not signing up for raids or picking/choosing when to turn up (everyone knew it was 3 days per week). Pain in the arse when you need a stable 20 for Mythic.

Can't say I'm missing it tbh, went extra hard for Nighthold (8/10M) but then got a little burnt out. I'm looking forward to Destiny 2 anyway. No doubt I'll re-sub back to WoW when the next expansion is out.
Next expansion is still a while off, there's still another raid to come, 7.3 has brought the best catch up mechanics so it won't take much for you to do current content quickly.
Next expansion is still a while off, there's still another raid to come, 7.3 has brought the best catch up mechanics so it won't take much for you to do current content quickly.
How's tank balance atm, got 1 of everything cept warrior. Tho bear or pally prolly prefered
Not played sine the end of WoD, how easy is it to catch up these days or is the next expansion not too far off?
In the same boat as you. Long time wow player but quit at the end of wod. Cant invest the same time and don't enjoy the casual game style, so not bothered with Legion. Who knows may return in the future.
I've just recently really got back in to it. I burnt myself out massively at the start, but now I'm just going to take it easy and try to find a group to try mythics with a day or 2 a week and probably throw in a PuG run every now and then.

Hopefully with the Discord I made people can get on and we can start growing a bit of a community between us. More than happy for friends and family to join too.
Okay I don't have Legion but just recently got into WOW, I had a LV 31 Warrior on a "New Player" server it has low population so went with my now LV 40 Hunter, what do you guys think are the best professions? So far I've been using Mining with either Herbs or Enchanting, think I'll stick with Herbs for now as it's free and go with enchanting with a new character in the future, good idea?
Okay I don't have Legion but just recently got into WOW, I had a LV 31 Warrior on a "New Player" server it has low population so went with my now LV 40 Hunter, what do you guys think are the best professions? So far I've been using Mining with either Herbs or Enchanting, think I'll stick with Herbs for now as it's free and go with enchanting with a new character in the future, good idea?
I would say for a good constant flow of money go with Herb/Alchemy. This market can be very competitive though so I don't think the profit would be high as something like Mining/Blacksmithing for example.
Okay I don't have Legion but just recently got into WOW, I had a LV 31 Warrior on a "New Player" server it has low population so went with my now LV 40 Hunter, what do you guys think are the best professions? So far I've been using Mining with either Herbs or Enchanting, think I'll stick with Herbs for now as it's free and go with enchanting with a new character in the future, good idea?

If you've got the gold for it, enchanting is always a winner. Especially with the latest patch & raid due out soon, everyone will be needing enchants on new pieces of gear. Alchemy/Herbalism as above is a good one too. The prices of flasks/pots have gone down significantly though but they do always sell.
Recently started playing again after a long break - I didn't play much of Pandaria and missed WoD completely after raiding in TBC and WotLK.

Quite enjoying it again tbh - I just play with a few mates I've known for years, so mainly doing the Mythic+ dungeons as we don't have enough to raid these days.
OC-WoW Discord (this is for players to find other players to form groups, dungeons and even possibly raids!)

Many people in this, my guild collapsed and I am running about solo, I will try to remember to join tonight (friday night is beer night).

Just joined the OC forum been here for 10 years since first but not last PC purchased. Buying a new one from a 5-6 year old one hence my return to OCuk
OC-WoW Discord (this is for players to find other players to form groups, dungeons and even possibly raids!)

Many people in this, my guild collapsed and I am running about solo, I will try to remember to join tonight (friday night is beer night).

Just joined the OC forum been here for 10 years since first but not last PC purchased. Buying a new one from a 5-6 year old one hence my return to OCuk
Not at the moment. I only created it the other day, hopefully people will see it and start joining. Considering just opening a new thread and putting that information in the first post, at least it will be seen then.
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