***World of Warcraft - The Elysium Project***

I would, but I've invested a lot into playing the auction and already at 116 gold with such a low level. So I can certainly hand out a few g per person on Elysium. I'm almost Level 15 with my hunter. Will be pushing for 20 tonight. Happy to come back and help out those at a low level to make the journey easier and quicker.
If people are wanting to roll again as looking at what I have read we are all very low levels we need to decide on what server we want to go on and what faction first. @agnes the toon you invested AH time with is it on Elysium and what faction is it?
If people are wanting to roll again as looking at what I have read we are all very low levels we need to decide on what server we want to go on and what faction first. @agnes the toon you invested AH time with is it on Elysium and what faction is it?
I'm horde mate.

in what way? It was working yesterday Not been on today as I am busy with my lad.
Narp, I'm logged in and playing at work... for the record, I work in IT (senior role), 2 weeks left on my notice before I move to the US... So really have no ***** to give lol.
I'm horde mate.

Narp, I'm logged in and playing at work... for the record, I work in IT (senior role), 2 weeks left on my notice before I move to the US... So really have no ***** to give lol.

that is superb - wish i could play vanilla wow at work! Tomorrow is my last day too!
Considering either trying this or potentially going back to a WotLK server that I've been on before. Wondering if there would be any interest on her about having a WotLK guild.
I have always wanted to do and just stay at Wrath. I started(retail) at TBC-break-wrath and cata at same time-break etc etc. A guild I made a few years back started from scratch and capped at each expansion. When we hit 80 we hit wrath content hard and had so much fun, by far the best expansion there has been. We disbanded once we decided to head onto cata. I think we really wanted to stay in northrend. What server is it you play wrath on? I would love to dabble in that again and stay there.
I have always wanted to do and just stay at Wrath. I started(retail) at TBC-break-wrath and cata at same time-break etc etc. A guild I made a few years back started from scratch and capped at each expansion. When we hit 80 we hit wrath content hard and had so much fun, by far the best expansion there has been. We disbanded once we decided to head onto cata. I think we really wanted to stay in northrend. What server is it you play wrath on? I would love to dabble in that again and stay there.

I loved Wrath of the Lych King. It was by far the one expansion i spent most time with. I remember first getting to Grizzly Hills and hearing that music............. was pretty wonderful.
The server is called Dalaran wow. Based on the 3.3.5 patch i believe.
Its a retail experience server (although i did find boe blues dropped a lot while leveling 1-60.)
Normal xp gain. Working RAF and LFG for dungeons.
They have what they call a progressive realm which i am on. Meaning Ulduar will not unlock for you until you have cleared naxx, and so on. So you can't just ding 80 and go straight into ICC.
Can post more details when i get home.


http://www.dalaran-wow.com/ is the website, beliow is some information taken directly from their Realms info page.

Live once again the retail experience and quality with the impressive blizzlike content that we offer. In terms of quality we are your best choice.

Some highlights about us:
  • Server Blizzlike x1 rate.
  • Patch: 3.3.5a (Wrath of the The Lich King).
  • Low latency and lag free.
  • Outstanding service with constant and effective development work.
  • Best Pathfinding and LoS out there.
  • Fully functional Wintergrasp.
  • Dedicated Anti-DDoS protection
  • Private Beta test for each new release.
  • PvE Tournaments each season. (Read more here: http://redd.it/274rmg)
  • Refer a Friend system for free (x3 experience from level 1 to 60, grant a level and Mount rewards). (Read more here: http://redd.it/2sni5l)
  • Restrictive and not gamebreaking Donation and Vote shops (no pay to win).
They have 2 Realms to choose from.

Algalon (Main realm and progressive):
  • FIRST eternal PROGRESSIVE Realm.
  • All the content with amazing and detailed scripts.
  • Starting with Arena Season 5 and Tier 7.
  • Impressive restriction system that will force the players to progress through each piece of content and gear gradually, designed for all the WotLK raids, with the purpose of creating an eternal progression.
Kirin Tor: First realm with all the content opened without restrictions or progression.

I apologise if this is a bit of a thread hijack, a seperate thread could be made if the interest is there.
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