***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

IIRC either the expansions up to MoP are now part of the base game, or the expansions up to and including MoP are.

However if you download the EU client you can just connect to the EU servers, it can't be that lag inducing as I have met players on the EU servers from Russia, South Africa, etc.
It's annoying they're delaying so much releasing the first LFR, what are we supposed to do until then? (after getting full 630-640 items) :(

Collect Mounts/Battle Pets/Achievements/Toys? Thats what I plan on doing anyway.

PvP? Level alts? Professions? Make gold? Plenty to do :D
Quick question for the warriors out there.
What would you say is the best spec for leveling?
Been doing most of my lvling as prot in dungeon groups, sadly a mates nicked my tanking spot so I've been relegated to DPS. Level 42 btw.
Had the most vile LFR heroic group I've ever been in earlier. Abusive numpties (all 4 of them, 2 from sylvanas and the other 2 from outland) from the very start and doing daft pulls and wondering why they died. The group after that though was the absolute opposite and a pleasure to heal for.

I had the same today... 2 groups that I just walked out of and took the deserter debuff. After that I had an amazing group that used CC!!! We blasted through everything quicker as there were no deaths!
Quick question for the warriors out there.
What would you say is the best spec for leveling?
Been doing most of my lvling as prot in dungeon groups, sadly a mates nicked my tanking spot so I've been relegated to DPS. Level 42 btw.

Carry on as prot, gladiator is currently the best warrior DPS spec on single target.
level99 and 597 item level from quests not even finished nagrand yet.
game seems easy as hell to I am unable to pull more mobs than I can handle just running around putting dots on everything.
void tanks like hes already geared up from raids and has become a raid boss himself or something.

also every loot I got from dungeons so far is worse than the quest loot :S

That will soon change, once you hit the level 100 dungeons and heroics that gear is significantly better than anything from quests/open world. Other than the Khadgar rings and world boss drops.
Sat at 629 ilevel at the moment and only need a new robe, gloves and belt for full heroic gear. Hopefully get them this week as the heroics are already feeling a bit old :/

Healing is getting easier with better gear but mana seems to be a constant issue compared to mop. The lack of spirit items is really starting to annoy me now. My neck doesn't have it at all, but a trinket of mine does. Puts me on around 5800 mana regen, which is great for heal spamming but awful for using more expensive casts for a prolonged period. Example being warlord zaela were I went oom right at the end lol. Might have to start making mana potions incase it happens again!
Sat at 629 ilevel at the moment and only need a new robe, gloves and belt for full heroic gear. Hopefully get them this week as the heroics are already feeling a bit old :/

Healing is getting easier with better gear but mana seems to be a constant issue compared to mop. The lack of spirit items is really starting to annoy me now. My neck doesn't have it at all, but a trinket of mine does. Puts me on around 5800 mana regen, which is great for heal spamming but awful for using more expensive casts for a prolonged period. Example being warlord zaela were I went oom right at the end lol. Might have to start making mana potions incase it happens again!

I've not had any mana issues (I'm currently using holy paladin) to the point where I have more mana than I can spend at the end of the fight! One reason for this I think is that I am spamming the "wrong" spells, and that is only because some of the more costly spells are just not worth casting for the amount of healing they give out. I will expect to go OOM when raids drop though...
I leveled my warrior in prot spec all the way to 100 then turned my second spec into gladiator so I have a tank DPS and a tank It is crazy fun. Take Ravager in your tank spec and blade storm dps spec and it really helps with the Tanking/AoE DPS, Although glyphing HS to cleave really helps with the AoE as well. As a Gladiator I am very competitive in the DPS rankings so far.
Did MC with LFR last night, wasn't too painful actually. Also got a few lucky Warforged upgrades from heroics so ilevel going up nicely. Sat on 622 at the moment. Still have to do Nagrand, Arak and SMV to get some gold though.
I leveled my warrior in prot spec all the way to 100 then turned my second spec into gladiator so I have a tank DPS and a tank It is crazy fun. Take Ravager in your tank spec and blade storm dps spec and it really helps with the Tanking/AoE DPS, Although glyphing HS to cleave really helps with the AoE as well. As a Gladiator I am very competitive in the DPS rankings so far.

I did gold DPS proving grounds as prot with ravager because I couldn't be bothered to respec :D
I've done the same but aren't interested in achievements so it's gonna get boring quickly unless the raids are released!

Kinda the same boat, 632 ilvl now so just tying up some loose ends in the zones with the scattering of quests that I have. Apart from that its just working on bits and peices from the garrison and followers, will enchant/gem my gear when we get to start raiding in 9 days (seems so far off!)

Still need to do MC aswell, might give that a go tonight.
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