***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Thank you mate, turns out that I have a level 90 Draenei priest already, ha ha! I must have used the last expansion's boost on her. I'm currently doing a bit of an OCD clean-up of my account: centralising everything in my guild bank, getting my alts to 90 and my last 'fun class' to 100 and generally trying to draw a line under a lot of my characters so I can concentrate on a few.

There is so much to do in this game now that my head hurts.

That can be the worse thing about "coming back" to WoW. Last time I re-subbed for a month I spent about 4 hours just going through all my junk and trying to clear stuff up. I had not played since the end of Cata. So I had all of mists and what was in WoD at the time. Even after I sorted everything out I started leveling bit by bit. Got to 100. Then its like man there is so much to do what should I do ?!? so start on something, then get bored so start something else. Then by the end of the month I found myself doing what I did towards the end of cata and just flying around in circles at Orgrimmar chatting to a few peoples and doing nothing :eek: :p lol I cancelled the sub after that.

Maybe its just I was so used to the guild mentality when I last played we was Heroic 25man (I mean person) raiding so a lot of the time I would log on to dailies and then just chill and chat to guildies about upcoming raid and tactics. Go in do raid, Rage or Rejoice depending how the raid went :D then go to sleep.
I can't seem to get that mentality out of my head. So now I just chat to people via Bnet while playing HOTS or Hearthstone...

That said I am really interested in the Legion xpac. Purely because although I think the allure of the game has been lost to me, I do really really enjoy the lore to the game and I have to say they did a great job making the character more involved in the story in WoD so hopefully they continue that in Legion.
Playing ret pally and moonkin druid but I fancy a 3rd class to play....it's between a hunter and another melee (possibly enhancement shaman)
As someone whose mains are Hunter and Shaman, Hunter all day long.

MM absolutely kicks ass with 4p set from HFC.
Yep MM Hunter is easy to do top dps with, so is my Frost Mage.

Boosted my Warlock and with affliction spec it's a lot more effort to maintain max dps output.
Been away from Wow since Frozen King. What is this Warlords of Draenor and house building stuff? Is it like the house in SWTOR? Do you have your own minions to hunt for basic gathering mats? Haven't resubbed yet, had an offer to and a level 100 boost if I do..
Playing ret pally and moonkin druid but I fancy a 3rd class to play....it's between a hunter and another melee (possibly enhancement shaman)

My main at the end of MoP/beginning of WoD was a hunter, a toon which I'm now utterly burnt out with. I had an old shammy around level 20 that I hadn't done anything with for years, so I boosted it to 90 and initially started levelling it as elemental.

The epiphany came when I was in a group with a DK once doing the Iron Front daily - he said over chat to do myself a favour and respec as enhancement. Glad I did because it absolutely wees all over elemental and I'm intending for it to be my main in Legion. Yes, it's melee which I initially wasn't very comfortable with having played nothing but ranged specs/classes, but get some Baleful gear or higher on it and the thing is absolutely nuts ...

Just hope Blizz don't ruin them with the Legion class changes - haven't really studied their intentions for shammies in any great detail yet ...
Been away from Wow since Frozen King. What is this Warlords of Draenor and house building stuff? Is it like the house in SWTOR? Do you have your own minions to hunt for basic gathering mats? Haven't resubbed yet, had an offer to and a level 100 boost if I do..

Not palyed SWTOR myself, but it's called a garrison. You can build various buildings to do various things couple of guides for you, which can explain it much better than I can http://www.icy-veins.com/wow/garrison-complete-guide & http://www.wowhead.com/guides/garrisons/guide-to-garrisons-in-warlords-of-draenor

After your garrison you then have a ship yard. You basically use both of these for what you want really! Getting gear, resources, money...
Is it worth doing Tanaan Jungle? And also, I dinged 100 without really touching Nagrand, Spires of Arak or Shadowmoon Valley - does anyone recommend I go and finish the questlines there?
Tempted to come back just to test out flapping around Draenor, I read somewhere that you have to use a specific mount for it?
Is it worth doing Tanaan Jungle? And also, I dinged 100 without really touching Nagrand, Spires of Arak or Shadowmoon Valley - does anyone recommend I go and finish the questlines there?

In terms of gearing I wouldn't bother with Tanaan at all, you are far, FAR better off going to ashran and gearing that way. In a good, winning group you'll be full 700ilevel within at least 8 hours.

If you want WoD flying you'll need to complete the Draenor Pathfinder achievement which requires all of the story lines completed (big exclamation mark on map for where these start) 100 treasures found in Draenor excluding Tanaan, all zones explored, all dailies completed (can buy missives with garrison resources to smash them out in an hour or so which is what I did) and then the big one is to get Revered with the 3 Tanaan factions.

I didn't want to wait for huge rep grind so I did all of the other requirements in a night and then bought a WoW token for £15 (60k gold at the time) to buy Medallion of the Legion to hit that requirement. If you get Trading Post level 3 you only need 18 of them which for me was about 70k gold on my realm (4k each).

You might prefer the grind, though, which is fair enough.

Tempted to come back just to test out flapping around Draenor, I read somewhere that you have to use a specific mount for it?

Nope, once you have flying unlocked (once unlocked on one char it's available on all your alts too) you can use any flying mount.
Leveling a new Warrior on Tarren Mill and quite enjoying it. Will probably use Warrior as my main in Legion, really hoping these 5 man instances are good!

I'll be buying Legion around Christmas time, so if anyone fancies doing some dungeons/raid give me an add on battlenet krafty#2722 and we will try to sort something!
I came back recently but am having major trouble deciding between ret/hunter/dk lol. I have all 3 at 100 but i really dont remember the garrison stuff etc so as my friends are on another server i rolled a fresh dk and have been levelling that. I figure re-learn garrison and other stuff that way then could always xfer one over.

What are peoples opinions on those 3 classes?
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